Meet and Greet Aldermen Candidates for Ward 6
Meet and Greet with candidates, Ashley Smith, Jeffrey Odham and Barry Evans, who are running for Alderman in Ward 6. Residents from all neighborhoods in Ward 6 – Kings Row, Greenbriar, Cypress Shores, Lakeview Estates, Craeberne Forest, Arcadia Village, Haywood Farms, are […]
Coastal Photo Club featured in “Artist of the Month” Exhibit
The Coastal Photo Club (CPC) of New Bern will be the featured “Artist of the Month” for September at the New Bern Craven County Public Library. Original photographs by many of the club’s 60 members will be exhibited and available for purchase. […]
Tharesa Chadwick Lee for Mayor of New Bern
The City of New Bern’s cultural resources, historic beauty and engaged communities make it a wonderful city in which to live, visit and retire. Servant-oriented leadership in local government will preserve this quality of life and promote growth in a prosperous future […]
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
The Coastal Environmental Partnership announces dates for its Household Hazardous Waste collection events. The first date is Saturday, September 21, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Carteret County Health Department at 3820 Bridges Street in Morehead City. Pamlico and Craven […]
Dogs need exercise too!
No doubt that you have heard this a million times before – we all need exercise. This is just as important for our four-legged friends. With most exercise programs, while his person works out, a dog stays home alone, counting squirrels […]
Check out Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern
30th: “Almost Free” Friday, 5:00pm at the Galley Stores, 300 East Front St. For details call 252-633-4648. 30th, 31st: and Sept 1st: Ratio Theatre Company presents ‘RED’ by John Logan, Fri – Sat: 8:00pm, Sun: 2:00pm at the North Carolina History Center. […]
Veterans Benefits for Surviving Spouses
What Every Surviving Spouse Should Know about Veterans Benefits: A Step-by-Step Guidebook for the Surviving Spouse’s Advocate provides a riveting journey by walking the reader through the quagmire of applying and receiving Surviving Spouse benefits and gives the instructions and examples needed to […]