12 Angry Men (drama)

Performance dates: September 13, 14, 20, 21 at 7:30pm and September 15, 22 at 2pm Directed by Alan Berger Produced by Eileen Shalhoub Adapted by Sherman Sergel. Based on the Emmy award-winning television movie by Reginald Rose. Produced by special arrangement with […]

Stanly-Spaight Duel Takes Aim at Labor Day Weekend

Tryon Palace Brings Famous Story to Life on Saturday, Aug. 31 Gunfire and drumrolls will echo across Tryon Palace’s South Lawn during a live reenactment of the Stanly-Spaight Duel, held Labor Day weekend on Saturday, Aug. 31. This famous story traces back […]

Join us for New Bern Now’s “Social Media Summit”!

September 26, 2013 from 11:00am – 3:30pm Isaac Taylor Garden, 228 Craven St., New Bern, NC The goal is to help non-profits and businesses understand the necessity of being visible online from a non-technical standpoint. There are a staggering number of businesses […]

1 Minute Workout

By Kate Horney, Beyond Fit Physiques As a busy mom I often find it difficult to fit in a full workout…. can you relate? Rather than miss exercise all together my husband and I started to do high intensity, 1 minute blitz […]

City of Havelock Recreation Advisory Board Vacancies

Three In-City seats on the Recreation Advisory Board will expire on September 30, 2013.  Although two of the current members have expressed a desire to seek reappointment, the City of Havelock is seeking citizens with an interest in serving on this board.  […]
Toni Carr, The Insurance Center

Affordable Care Act Enrollment

Open Enrollment Period: October 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 The Affordable Care Act and Marketplace will change how health insurance is delivered; subsidies will act as a coupon providing health insurance that until now was out of reach for many Americans. […]

4 H Delegation attends annual Electric Congress

Pictured from left are:  Laura Willis, 18, Daughter of Rusty and Etta Willis of New Bern, CJ Oakley, 12, Son of Jon and Tori Oakley of Quantico, VA, Destiny Oakley, 15, Daughter of Jon and Tori Oakley of Quantico, VA.  In addition, […]