Moore’s BBQ Plates – Red Cross Volunteers will Deliver to You!
>Moore’s Old Tyme Bar-B-Cue and Coastal Carolina Chapter of the American Red Cross have teamed up to offer good old-fashioned barbeque on Tuesday, March 30th, 2010! Enjoy pulled pork, coleslaw, potato salad, and hush puppies for only $6 per plate! Give me […]
Fun-filled Day with the Spotlight on the Pepsi Store!
>Entering the Pepsi Store, I received a cheerful greeting from the “Pepsi Girl” (Jo Ann Riley) and the visitors sitting at the soda fountain. They were from out of town and enjoying the experience and video of the history of Pepsi Cola. […]
The Pathway to College Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
>NC Representative Alice Underhill, Mayor Lee Bettis, and Alderman Sabrina Bengel were among many supporters who attended the “Ribbon Cutting Ceremony” for The Pathway to College. With community leaders behind her, Cheryl Smith, Founder of The Pathway to College, is excited about […]
Spotlight on Signs Galore – Visit their New Location in New Bern
>Wayne and Brenda King, co-owners of Signs Galore, have relocated to a new location, 1307 Village Road. They moved approximately ½ mile north of their previous location on Neuse Blvd. Turn right on Village Road and you’ll see their business on the […]
Visit Dunn’s Office Solutions – Locally Owned and Operated
>Owen G. Dunn Company was established in 1902 in New Bern as a full service office supply and printing company. We are now doing business as Dunn’s Office Solutions and are located at 1719 Red Robin Lane next to Paula’s Pizza. We […]
Share the Journey – Introducing Refugees and Their Stories
>UPDATE to “Share the Journey Event: Refugees sponsored by the Interfaith Refugee Ministry of New Bern (IRM) entertained several hundred New Bern residents on Saturday March 6, 2010 at Garber United Methodist Church. The afternoon program, “Share the Journey – Introducing Refugees […]
Kindergarten: Ready, Set, Go
>To be eligible for public school kindergarten in North Carolina for the 2010-2011 school year, a child must be five years of age on or before August 31, 2010. Parents who have a child entering public school kindergarten in Craven County this […]