MUMFEST Main Stage Music Mania!

MUMFEST is a visual treat to the eyes and the ears where music is heard throughout downtown New Bern on October 12 and 13. Mumfesters know every year brings a wide variety of musical entertainment and this year is no different. Dance […]

Radio Interview with Susan Namowicz, Candidate for Alderman Ward 3

Laura Johnson enjoyed meeting Susan Namowicz’s who’s running for Alderman of Ward 3. She shared her plans on how she plans to make a difference in New Bern if she’s elected in this radio interview with Laura Johnson. The interview will air […]

Social Media Summit continues on New Bern Now’s Youtube Channel

We’re very happy with the turnout for our first annual Social Media Summit! We’ve never organized an event like this and were pleasantly surprised that all but one of the guest speakers was able to make it with their busy schedules! They […]

Promote Healthy Eating Habits from the Start

Obesity rates have increased for children in recent decades as diets high in salt, sugar and fat have become the norm, and as children have become less physically active than prior generations. But obesity in young children has many long-term implications for […]
Aerial photo New Bern

Check out this Weekend’s Happenings in and around New Bern

27th: Bank of the Arts Homecoming Ceremony and Ribbon Cutting, 10:00am. For details call 252-638-2577. 27th: “Benefit for New Bern Fireman’s Museum with music by Jesse Stockton”, 5:00pm at Bear Town Market, 402 S. Front St. For details call 252-637-0022. 27th: OktoberFest, […]

Bank of the Arts Homecoming Show – September 27, 2013

Although we have been quite comfortable in our tem­porary quarters at 308 George Street, New Bern, the Craven Arts Council & Gallery staff are looking for­ward to moving back to our home at the Bank of the Arts. To celebrate our return, […]

FOX’s ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Returning to Tryon Palace for Additional Filming

Film Crews Set to Use Palace Courtyard, Stanly House and Stable, Sept. 22-27 FOX’s new TV series “Sleepy Hollow” will visit Tryon Palace next week to film various scenes on the Palace grounds and inside the Stanly House. Visitors will be able […]