Tamra Rouse Performs at Bank of the Arts on April 23rd
Soprano Tamra Rouse presents a full program of arias and art songs on Wednesday, April 23, 6 p.m., at the Bank of the Arts, 317 Middle Street in New Bern. Beverly Foster is accompanist. This program is free, with a $5 donation […]
Birding Bonanza!
Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day at Weyerhaeuser’s Cool Springs Environmental Education Center When: Saturday May 10th, 2014 Time: 8am-2pm Fee: $5.00 per person/ Free for kids 6 and under (payable by cash or check at registration/check in table) Fun and Educational things […]
Shriners Fish Fry – Friday, April 25th, 2014
The New Bern Area Shriners are having their 47th annual Fish Fry on Friday April 25th. The proceeds from the event will benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children and help to treat the more than 600 plus children from Sudan territory, basically eastern […]
Fun-filled activities scheduled for Spring ARTcrawl
Spring ARTcrawl from 5pm to 8pm on Friday, April 11th in Red, Hot and Blue, as Beth Gosnell’s winning entry from Community Artist Will’s art contest will be on display at 228 Craven Street. It will be one of thousands amazing works […]
Twin Rivers YMCA to Host Third Annual Youth Triathlon
Reserve your spot now to participate in the YMCA’s Third Annual Your Triathlon on Friday, May 16th at 6:30pm. There will be two age groups: 7-10 and 11-14. The 7-10 age group competition will consist of a 50 yard pool swim, 1.6 […]
The Week of the Young Child: April 6 – 12 Early Years are Learning Years
Craven Smart Start, Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) and the New Bern Mall have joined forces to celebrate the National Week of the Young Child by hosting special activities for children and their parents at the New Bern Mall from 11a.m. […]
Southern Gentlemen Barbershop Chorus Annual Show
Laura Johnson met with Roger Brooks of the Southern Gentlemen Barbershop Chorus to learn more about their Annual Show featuring guest quartet “Lunch Break”. The radio interview is aired on New Bern’s TalkRadio Station WNOS 97.1FM and 1450AM. You can listen to […]