Ledger Magazine Cover Shoot

Your Chance to be on the Cover on the Ledger Magazine

Join us on Saturday, June 20th at 9:00am for our Cover Shoot of the Ledger Magazine for the 3rd Quarter (July – September) edition. If you own a bicycle and want to be on the cover, join us at the circle between […]
Sy Liebergot Apollo EECOM

Sy Liebergot Shares Mission Control Experiences of Apollo 11 and Apollo 13

Thursday, June 18th at 2:00pm Epiphany School Auditorium Come hear Sy Liebergot, Apollo Mission Flight Controller and author, share his personal experiences in Mission Control during the Apollo 11 (first moon landing) and Apollo 13 (nearly fatal) missions. Sy will be presenting […]
New Bern Parks and Recreation

New Parks & Recreation Website

The New Bern Parks & Recreation Department debuts a new website designed to increase user-friendliness and offer modern online amenities to the customer. The website is NewBern-NC.org/parksrec. City staff have been working with RecDesk, a company that produces web based solutions for […]
Knights of Columbus Yard Sale

The Knights of Columbus Yard Sale

Friday, June 12th – 8 AM to Noon Saturday, June 13th – 7 AM to Noon 1125 Pinetree Drive, New Bern Two large buildings filled with everything imaginable. Clothing, dishes, computers, books, appliances, furniture, kitchen items, TV’s, CD’s, bedding, arts and crafts, […]
Garret Biss

Auburn University MRED Student Publishes Book “Charity: The Gifts of Giving”

Current Auburn University Masters of Real Estate Development (MRED) student, Garret Biss, recently released his first book entitled “Charity: The Gifts of Giving.” This influential book reveals how charitable giving, kindness and acts of generosity have an impact not just on recipients, […]
2nd Quarter Ledger Magazine

Submit your information for NBN’s 3rd Quarterly Ledger Magazine

We’ve already started working on New Bern Now’s Quarterly Ledger Publication (July – September 2015). Please send us information about upcoming events or announcements for your organization, community group, or new business by June 19th so we can include it into the […]
Eastern Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation

5th Annual “FLY-IN” Movie & Family Night

The Eastern Carolina Aviation Heritage Foundation (ECAHF) will hold its 5th Annual “Fly-In” Movie and Family Night starting at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 12, 2015 at the Havelock Tourist and Event Center (201 Tourist Center Dr.) This event will allow families in […]