>Johnson Management Network – Open House and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
>River Junction Business Center is owned by Darrell and Pat Johnson of Johnson Management Network. The Johnson Management Network operates: New Life Rehab, The Gym 24-7, The Meeting Room, and Help At Home Senior Care.New Life Rehab provides Physical Therapy and Occupational […]
>Sanuki Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar Now Open!
>Update August 12th: Enjoyed a terrific lunch at Sanuki and learned the restaurant is owned by the same owners as Mushashi Japanese Steak and Seafood Restaurant in the Harris Teeter Shopping Center in New Bern. Last week I overheard someone mention Sanuki […]
>More Conveniences for Passengers at The Coastal Carolina Regional Airport!
>The Coastal Carolina Regional Airport has had a busy month. TSA installed a new checked-baggage scanner which will add to the convenience for our passengers. Customers will now turn their checked luggage in to USAirways or Delta who will tag it for […]
>Resurrection Dance Theater of Haiti Is Coming to Garber UMC
>The Resurrection Dance Theater from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti will be making a stop in New Bern on September 14th on their fall dance tour and the public is invited to see the performance of this internationally recognized dance troupe made up of orphans, […]
>Sell Your Items at New Bern Parks and Recreation’s "Indoor Garage Sale"
>New Bern Parks & Recreation invites you to set up a booth at our fall “Indoor Garage Sale”. Dig out those old clothes, dishes, toys, games, and other items that you no longer use. Set up your booth, and make some money! […]
>New Bern Chapter for the Hearing Loss Association of America
>Are you or someone you know hearing impaired or deaf? Then know there is local support in New Bern! Did you know that approximately 36 million Americans suffer from some type of hearing loss? I hadn’t thought about living without my sense […]
Must Visit Country Store “Down the Road” from New Bern!
I met with Zack Koonce today to discuss how we can partner in efforts to assist our local Coastal Carolina American Red Cross Chapter at his store, Z.A.K.’S of Mallardtown, USA in Trenton, NC. The saying, “first impressions are lasting” rings true […]