>Free Community Health Fair
>Community Health Fair, Saturday, April 21st from 9am – 12pm at the Stanley White Recreation Center, 901 Chapman St.Diabetes and blood pressure checks, cholesterol screenings, vision and hearing screenings, massage therapy, and food and nutrition demos.Learn information on health programs: teen pregnancy, […]
>New Bern Parks and Recreation’s upcoming Track Program and Sports Camp
> The New Bern Parks and Recreation Department is now registering boys and girls for our Hershey’s Track Program. Boys and Girls ages 9 to 14 can participate. We will be hosting a local meet in June at New Bern High School […]
>The Story Behind the Story – In Memoriam of Three New Leash on Life Dogs
> Denton Every day when we pick up the paper or watch the news, there is another tragedy. Tornadoes in the Midwest, young soldiers killed in faraway places, car wrecks or people unemployed and fighting for survival. Do you ever think about the […]
>Do you support New Bern Now? If so, please leave a Testimonial.
> Last month, I announced that New Bern Now.com and the Community Blog is receiving a major facelift to make it more user friendly and eye pleasing. Special thanks to Lisa Bisbee for joining forces with me to re-create a brand new […]
Check out New Bern’s Art Scene!
With a lot of artists living in our town, New Bern is a city rich in the arts! For a small town, we have so many art galleries, shops, and events! I’m sure that’s why enthusiasts from around the Country flock to […]
>Check out New Bern’s Arts scene!
> With a lot of artists living in our town, New Bern is a city rich in the arts! For a small town, we have so many art galleries, shops, and events! I’m sure that’s why enthusiasts from around the Country flock […]
“Help the Lions Help the Blind” – New Bern Lions Fund Raiser
>The New Bern Lions are hosting their Fifth Annual Wine Gala & Silent Auction on May 17, 2012 at the Carolina Colours Country Club – 3300 Waterscape Way, New Bern NC 28562, starting at 6:30 pm. The event will be emceed by […]