- Testimonial for Denise Wakeman’s VIP Mentoring Program
New Bern Now was created in the Spring of 2009 as a hobby. After three years, it’s turned into a “monster”.
I’ve been following Denise Wakeman, an Online Visibility Expert and Founder of the Blog Squad, for a few years. Everything that I’ve read on her website and blog has helped me improve New Bern Now. That’s why I contacted her two months ago to help me set a clear path for our community’s “One Stop, Information Shop”.
Since joining her VIP Mentorship program, New Bern Now’s visitors have grown 25%! That was before we launched the new website yesterday!
If you have a website or blog, I highly recommend that you visit www.DeniseWakeman.com to get “tips and tricks” on how you can increase your organization’s online visibility. As Denise says, “Visibility = Opportunity”.
Thank you, Denise for helping me get “above water” and streamline New Bern Now. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but it’s a step in the right direction!
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Wendy Card