From the Desk of Mary Ann LeRay, Contributing Beauty Editor
Will you teach me how to do my makeup? I want a simple, natural glow with my look. These are just a couple of comments/questions that I hear on a daily basis as I am interacting with women in my work. There […]
Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern
30th – 31st: Tryon Civitan Sugar Drive for Religious Community Services. Sugar can be dropped off at the UPS Store, 1822 S. Glenburnie Dr. For details call 252-637-7500 30th: 21st Annual Reverse Drawing presented by the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce […]
Does my business need social media?
This seemed to be a common question for many following the New Bern Now Social Media Summit last September, and, in my opinion, the answer is a definite “Yes.” That answer usually brings the next questions which are “Do I have to […]
Cool Springs Summer Eco-Camp
Bordered by Swift Creek and the Neuse River, and located about 6 miles upriver from New Bern, Cool Springs Environmental Education Center encompasses 1,700 acres of forest-land owned by Weyerhaeuser Company, making it the ideal setting to explore the secrets of our […]
Exercise Tips: 3 Ways to Burn Fat Longer
By Kate Horney, BeyondFitPhysiques At Bikini Boot Camp and in our online BeyondFit Life workouts, we talk a lot about the “fat burning blast” that lasts long after the workout is over. Our workouts are designed with busy moms in mind- they […]
Regional 5K Trail Series Launched by United Way
On June 28th, the United Way of Coastal Carolina will launch the Run United Coastal NC Trail Series. A 5K trail race and walk event is planned for each county the United Way serves: Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico. These 5K races […]
Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern
1st – 31st: Tryon Civitan Sugar Drive for Religious Community Services. Sugar can be dropped off at the UPS Store, 1822 S. Glenburnie Dr. For details call 252-637-7500 24th: Red, White, and Blue Run to Remember 5K in Taberna. Benefiting the Injured […]