Mary Ann LeRay

From the Desk of Mary Ann LeRay, Contributing Beauty Editor

Will you teach me how to do my makeup? I want a simple, natural glow with my look. These are just a couple of comments/questions that I hear on a daily basis as I am interacting with women in my work. There […]
Weekend New Bern NC

Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern

30th – 31st: Tryon Civitan Sugar Drive for Religious Community Services. Sugar can be dropped off at the UPS Store, 1822 S. Glenburnie Dr. For details call 252-637-7500 30th: 21st Annual Reverse Drawing presented by the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce […]
Jeremy LeRay

Does my business need social media?

This seemed to be a common question for many following the New Bern Now Social Media Summit last September, and, in my opinion, the answer is a definite “Yes.” That answer usually brings the next questions which are “Do I have to […]
Cool Springs Summer Camp

Cool Springs Summer Eco-Camp

Bordered by Swift Creek and the Neuse River, and located about 6 miles upriver from New Bern, Cool Springs Environmental Education Center encompasses 1,700 acres of forest-land owned by Weyerhaeuser Company, making it the ideal setting to explore the secrets of our […]
Ways to Burn Fat

Exercise Tips: 3 Ways to Burn Fat Longer

By Kate Horney, BeyondFitPhysiques At Bikini Boot Camp and in our online BeyondFit Life workouts, we talk a lot about the “fat burning blast” that lasts long after the workout is over.  Our workouts are designed with busy moms in mind- they […]
United Way of Coastal Carolina

Regional 5K Trail Series Launched by United Way

On June 28th, the United Way of Coastal Carolina will launch the Run United Coastal NC Trail Series. A 5K trail race and walk event is planned for each county the United Way serves:  Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico. These 5K races […]
Weekend Events

Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern

1st – 31st: Tryon Civitan Sugar Drive for Religious Community Services. Sugar can be dropped off at the UPS Store, 1822 S. Glenburnie Dr. For details call 252-637-7500 24th: Red, White, and Blue Run to Remember 5K in Taberna. Benefiting the Injured […]