Who Do You Know? Nominate Your Favorite Lady
How many times do you say “I love that Lady!”? Now you can prove it! You must know someone who devotes herself to make the world a better place starting within Craven County. This is a woman who selflessly works on humanitarian […]
Promote your Local Business or Non-profit for free!
Recently we have received a lot of questions about how people can they get their information published on New Bern Now’s website, Ledger magazine, and social media sites. We’ve also received requests to write a story about a new business and/or promote […]
Choice Neighborhoods Initiatives Launches Greater Five Points Neighborhood Survey
Do you live in the Greater Five Points neighborhood (includes Greater Duffyfield neighborhoods, Five Points commercial district, Dryborough, Walt Bellamy, Craven Terrace, Trent Court, and New Bern Towers)? The Greater Five Points neighborhood is generally bounded by George Street on the east, the […]
Reading Fun Day
Children, birth to 12, and their parents are invited to attend Reading Fun Day at the New Bern Mall on Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 10am to 2pm. This annual event, which is free to the public, will focus on the theme […]
2nd Annual “Vets talk about Vets 2015”
January 16, 2015 The Flame Banquet Centre, 2301 Neuse Blvd., New Bern 6pm – 9pm Veterans Employment Base & Organic Garden (VEBOG) will be holding its annual informative fundraising event to promote unity among the local veteran organizations, state agencies and the […]
Twin Rivers Art Association Grant through Partners In Education
Rachel Hunnings, Art Teacher at W.J. Gurganus Elementary, won a 2014-15 Twin Rivers Art Association Art Grant through Partners In Education. Ms. Hunnings is shown here at her check presentation with Adrian Fonville, Assistant Principal at W.J. Gurganus Elementary. Her project, titled, […]
Poultry At Lavender Cottage
Poultry at Lavender Cottage by Brenda Hooks Harris is a new Children’s book primarily written for the 7-11 age group but is suitable for all ages. It is about the coming of age of a young Bantam hen growing up in an […]