Royal Flush Sewer and Drain Cleaning Service to the rescue!

When the bathtubs backed up and the toilets made gurgling noises, I knew I had a major issue in my house. I haven’t used any local plumbers so I called my friend Thea Kincaid of Thea’s Ideas to find out who she […]

“Saturday Bingo” program for seniors

New Bern Parks & Recreation Department is sponsoring “Saturday Bingo”, a program for seniors. Interested participants may come out and be ready to spend a couple of hours playing Bingo. There is no charge for this program and it will be held […]

“Let Freedom Ring” in remembrance of the Late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many of us have today off as a day in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How many of us spend the time reflecting on the sacrifices he made for our Country? Do your children know why they have the day […]
Craven County Recreation and Parks

Check out the latest happenings with Craven County Recreation and Parks Department!

Craven County Recreation & Parks Department is sponsoring an advanced volleyball clinic. The clinic is run by Coach Al Lee and helps girls become a better passer, server, setter, and hitter. These clinics are designed for girls age 8-11 & 12&up and […]
Pals for Paws

What happens to your Pet when you are no longer able to take care of it?

As the person that answers the telephones for Pals for Paws, I can tell you that this is a very sad and emotional question. The pet owner has died and no one now wants the pet. The pet is wonderful, healthy, loving […]

Help Craven County Clean Sweep keep our Streets and Waterways litter free!

Protect our waterways Craven County Clean Sweep sponsors three annual clean up events on the first Saturdays of February, May and October to help keep New Bern streets and waterways free of litter. The upcoming one will be Saturday, February 2nd, but […]

HOPE Family Resource Center – Strengthening Family Relationships

The HOPE Family Resource Center of Craven County is a community center whose mission is to work in partnership with families and the community to provide support, information, and education so that together we can build strong and healthy families. Nurturing Parenting […]