Spotlight on Gina’s Pizza

Walking into Gina’s Pizza for the first time; it reminded me of a NY style pizza shop. Gina’s friendly owners, Todd and Shannon Burlingame, were proud to announce their family owned pizzeria is celebrating their 15 year anniversary. They are “Home to […]

>Baby & Children Clothing Swap

>The Child Care Resource and Referral Program (CCR&R) of Craven Smart Start will be hosting their third Baby &amp Children Clothing Swap on April 13, 2010, from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm in their office, located at 1917 Trent Boulevard in New […]

>First Hand Experience – New Bern’s Tugboat Cruise

>I felt I should write a note to tell you that, based on your suggestion in the New Bern Now Blog; we went in search of Randy Schrock’s Tugboat Cruise in late March. My two young grandchildren, Jonah (3 1/2) and Abigayle […]

>Happy Easter Sunday

>I hope you enjoyed the terrific weather this weekend and had a nice Easter Sunday! Wendy Card

>Fishing Report from Captain Gary Dubiel

>The warm weather has triggered a good bite of fish along the Neuse River. Spotted seatrout and red drum have move into the area creeks. Concerns over winter cold stun events have been shaken off like this past winters cold. Specks up […]

>Good Friday: Tenebrae Service – April 2nd

>Garber United Methodist Church of New Bern invites the community to attend their Good Friday: Tenebrae Service on April 2nd at 7:30PM in the sanctuary of the church. This service of candles and darkness will feature Garber’s Chancel Choir under the direction […]

>Croatan Village “Pathways” Program – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

>Today was the grand opening of the Croatan Village Assisted Living Facility’s “Pathways” unit. The “Pathways” program provides memory care for residents living with Alzheimer’s and other diseases that cause dementia and memory loss. This special 18 bed unit has an “open […]