>News from New Bern’s Pickin & Grinnin Group and New Bern Computer Users Group

>New Bern’s Amateur Pickin &amp Grinin group is now playing at the IHOP restaurant every Friday evening from 7-9pm. You can see a couple photos and a few words on the Pickin Website.Also, the bi-monthly New Bern Computer Users Group (NBCUG) meeting […]

>May Day for Mutts – This Weekend – Saturday, May 15th!

>Join in the fun and bring your pups to socialize with others. Registration begins at 10:30am at Lawson Creek Park, May 15, 2010. Activities are scheduled from 11:00am – 1:00pm. Support our local Colonial Capital Humane Society and prepare yourself for a […]

>Could You Survive in 1862? A Snapshot to New Bern’s Civil War Battle!

>Considered a “Yankee” by a few of my dearest Southern friends, I was thrilled to hear about the “Remembering the War” re-enactments and symposiums throughout this weekend. Many people are excited to hear the cannons and see the muzzleloader guns fired. I […]

>Attention Wildlife Lovers!

> My first trip to The Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center of Eastern NC was exciting and educational. The second trip was even better because I remembered the camera! A special thanks to Ellen Westermann, Founder and Director of the Wild Arc for […]

>North Carolina Symphony – Supporting the Troops and Special Benefit

>Wednesday, June 2, 2010 7:30 pm – Station Theater, MCAS Cherry Point – Red, White and Blue Tour- The North Carolina Symphony pays tribute to the men and women in our state who have kept America safe for generations. Featuring Grant Llewellyn, […]

>Kites for Haiti

>On Sunday, May 23rd members of Garber United Methodist Church will share a tradition of Haiti in that country’s celebration of Easter Resurrection. On Easter, children of Haiti make their own kites from scrap materials and then fly them as a sign […]

>Bobbi Waters – In Concert!

>Don’t miss New Bern’s own Bobbi Waters in Concert on Friday, May 14, 2010 at Port City Java, 323 Middle Street, Downtown New Bern! Wendy Card