>“Spotlight on Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar”
>General Manager Ginny BaileyThe New Year brings a fresh perspective with new management and staff at Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar in New Bern!General Manager, Ginny Bailey, hit the ground running last month! She is a Native North Carolinian and has over […]
“Spotlight on Studio Verve – Chuck McGuire’s Hair Salon”
There’s a new Hair Salon in town, Studio Verve! Chuck McGuire, previously with Tangles and Knots, opened his own studio. Studio Verve captures an artistic, relaxing and exquisite ambience. Chuck has worked as a business development coordinator for Wella, Sebastian, and Paul […]
>Craven Chocolate Cookbook Supports Relay for Life
> Design by The Graphics Shack Native New Bernian, Mary Smaw, published the Craven Chocolate Cookbook to support Craven County’s “Relay for Life” Team. Mary dedicated Craven Chocolate to her dear friend, the late Mrs. Grace Dalrymple, who succumbed to cancer two […]
>Whole Child Wellness Open House at Flemming Chiropractic and Wellness Center
>Do you or someone you know have a child with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, or other disorders leading to learning, behavioral, and developmental issues? If so, mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 26th and attend the “Whole Child Wellness Open House” from 4-7pm […]
“Spotlight on 247 Craven”!
247 Craven Owner – Ashley Moser Walking into 247 Craven’s Restaurant, I was greeted by the friendly staff and owner, Ashley Moser. Ashley began his career at Johnson Wales University in Charleston, SC and has worked as a chef across North […]
>A Fun-filled Evening of BBQ, Good Music, and Blue Jeans!
> Don’t miss this year’s BBQ in Blue Jeans on January 21, 2011! Join us for an evening of comfortable blue jeans, good food, and great music! This special benefit is presented by Moore’s BBQ, Stubbs & Perdue, PA, and The Sun […]
“Christmas in a Shoebox” rescheduled at Tryon Palace!
> During The Many Days of Christmas at Tryon Palace Special holiday performance January 8th This event was originally scheduled for December 27th, but due to the inclement weather, it has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 8th. Tryon Palace presents playwright Ella […]