>Feed Dog Food to Ducks – Not Bread!

>New Bern, NC – If you’re going to feed the ducks, use cheap dog food that is full of nutrients and will help them maintain their health.Don’t use bread because it is empty calories and fills them up without receiving proper nutrition. […]

>New Bern Now’s "Crazy Dog Boo" Featured on CNN’s IReport Blog of the Day!

>What a fantastic day! It began by filming video spotlights for Craven/Pamlico MADD and local law enforcement officers; National Night Out Against Crime Prevention; and Gail Bisbee’s Confidential Records Management, Inc. We learned a lot and the videos will be posted soon! […]

>Schubert’s "Great" Symphony

>We’re not the only ones who call it “great.” Schubert’s finest work for orchestra closes out a program of epic themes, including Peer Gynt’s emphatic In the Hall of the Mountain King. William Henry Curry, Resident ConductorMussorgsky: Night on Bald MountainGrieg: Suite […]

>Guess the Name of this Building and Win a Free Advertisement for a Month!

> UPDATE: New Bern, NC – Congratulations, Nancy Hollows, owner of Nancy Hollows Real Estate (624 Hancock Street, New Bern, 252-636-3177) for participating in our contest and being the FIRST person to guess the correct name of the “mystery building” – The Rhone Hotel located […]

>New Bern Woman’s Club has been “Making a Difference” since 1905!

>aWhen I first heard about the New Bern Woman’s Club I was under the misconception that it was a group of ladies getting together for lunch. I was very wrong! They are a public service organization and are willing to do whatever […]

>Saax Bradbury Players (teens) – The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

>By Don Zolidas Two narrators attempt to recreate all 209 of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in a wild, fast-paced extravaganza. To make it more difficult, they attempt to combine them into one gigantic fable using Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and […]

>Around the World in Eighty Minutes

Statewide Classical Thursday, June 2, 2011, 7:30pm New Bern, Tryon Palace, New Bern Rhiannon Giddens Laffan, vocalist Music Director Grant Llewellyn takes you on a globe-trotting journey with musical gems from the U.K., Austria, Italy, Russia, the Far East and, of course, […]