Calling all Riverside School teachers, students, staff, and friends for a Riverside
School Homecoming on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the New Bern National Guard Armory, 301 Glenburnie Drive off Oaks Road. According to Peter Sandbeck, Riverside Elementary School on North Pasteur Street was built in the early 1920s in the Spanish Colonial-style brick […]
CarolinaEast Health System Employees Give Back
Each year the employees of CarolinaEast Health System participate in an organization-wide effort to raise money for the CarolinaEast Foundation and the local healthcare initiatives the Foundation supports in five counties across eastern North Carolina. This year’s Employee Campaign – called the […]
Rare Exhibits, ‘Glory’ Highlight Civil War Weekend at the Palace
Free and Ticketed Events Available Across Tryon Palace, Nov. 16-17 The birth of James City and the participation of the U.S. Colored Troops stationed in New Bern will be remembered at Tryon Palace during Civil War Weekend, held Nov. 16-17. Events will be held Saturday, […]
The ABC’s of Collaboration
Coastal Women’s Forum will hold its November Lunch Meeting from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20 at The Emerald at Greenbrier. Registration will begin at 11:30am. Pre-registration is required by noon on Monday, November 18. The cost is $12 for members, […]
Support “Operation Jammies” drive for the Coastal Women’s Shelter
We’re starting our 5th Annual Operation Jammies drive to benefit the Coastal Women’s Shelter. Since 2009, you have generously contributed 1,700 pairs of new pajamas to needy, abused families in the tri county area. The CWS maintains a safe house in New Bern and […]
Check out this Weekend’s Happenings in and around New Bern
8th: ARTcrawl at Greater Good Gallery and Isaac Taylor Garden. See performances, artist exhibits, and creative demonstrations. For details call 252-649-1712 8th: ARTcrawl – Bohemian Artists of New Bern, For details call 252-649-1712 8th: ArtWalk Downtown New Bern, 5:00pm – 8:00pm at […]
Safety Tips for Holiday Shopping
The holiday season is quickly approaching and with it all across the country law enforcement agencies may see an increase in the number of reported break-ins and theft related cases. The Havelock Police Department would like to remind everyone of some basic […]