Did you visit the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business Expo today?
Laura Johnson (New Bern Now’s Radio Voice) and I enjoyed this afternoon at the Expo.
We learned about new businesses and enjoyed visiting with current businesses and non-profits. It was fun catching up on the latest happenings in our community.
Although we only had a couple of hours, we were able to cover maybe 1/3 of the booths.
Check out New Bern Now’s Photo Gallery to see who we met along the way. We wish we had more time as we would’ve liked to take pictures and visit all of the vendors.
Special thanks to the New Bern Chamber of Commerce, the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center, and all the volunteers who helped set up this special annual event. Great job!
Visit New Bern Now’s Facebook page as we will be giving away goodies from businesses and non-profits during upcoming contests.
Tell us what you think by commenting below or sending us an email. Sign up for the latest updates by submitting your email address in the right margin on New Bern Now’s website.
Wendy Card