Do you know New Bern has a wonderful Farmer’s Market located at 421 South Front next to the railroad tracks and the North Carolina History Center (Tryon Palace)?
Each Saturday 8 – 2 and Tuesday 10 – 2 vendors sell products they have Grown, Sewn, Baked, or Made.
Fresh eggs, flowers, wine, honey, guitars, soaps, jewelry, smocked children’s outfits, embroidered and monogrammed items, fresh vegetables, outdoor furniture, candles, muffins and cookies are some of the items you will find at the approximately 85 booths.
Special Event
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Dog Days of Summer
9:00 – 10:00: K-9 Police Dog
K-9 Officer Rebecca Hooper of The New Bern Police Department will introduce her Police Dog ‘Ringo” and gladly answer your questions
‘New Leash on Life’
Pals for Paws Organization will tell us about their ‘New Leash on Life’ program which provides homeless dogs to the Craven Correctional Institute to be trained by the inmates for adoption
10:30: Adoptable Dogs
Colonial Capital Humane Society will be on site from 8:00 until early afternoon passing out information – answering questions and then at 10:30 presenting dogs available for adoption. Come out and spend time getting to know these ‘special citizens’ of New Bern.
You might find your new ‘family member’ on Saturday!
See You At The Market!
Submitted by: Fran Eaves for Julie McKeon, ‘R-Garden’ – Operating Manager of the New Bern Farmer’s Market