New Bern Now’s newsroom depends on your support, we’re taking time to evaluate operations

Beaman Road in New Bern, NC

Dear Readers,

We asked for your help to continue providing in-depth news coverage to New Bern and surrounding communities last week. In the article, we explained why local independent newsrooms are in crisis.

Our small team works at least 140 hours a week to provide news to you. It takes time to gather information, research, report, upload community announcements and information to our multimedia platforms, among other tasks. It costs money to pay the team and cover business and operational expenses. People say, “shop local, eat local, support local”…we are a local business.

Our readership is at an all-time high.

If you consider our work as a product that you consume and find value in, we’re asking that you also be willing to pay for it.

To help us continue, become a paid subscriber. Name your own price and make a one time or monthly contribution by clicking here or below. Or send a check to NC Life Media, LLC, P.O. Box 13614, New Bern, NC, 28561.

By subscribing, you will be making a difference in the community.

We appreciate everyone who has contributed to our efforts.

We are taking time to evaluate our operations. Our work depends on your financial support.

Thank you for your consideration.

By Wendy Card and Todd Wetherington, co-editors. Send an email with questions or comments.