We hosted a debate for candidates running for Mayor on April 19, 2022. In case you missed the debate on New Bern Now’s YouTube and Facebook page, here’s the video:
We also hosted debates for candidates running for Alderman for Ward 1, 2, and 6. The debate videos for Alderman for Ward 1 and 2 will be published in separate articles.
Kathy Adolph moderated the debate.
Toussaint Summers, Jr. received four more votes than Alderman Jeffrey Odham in the New Bern election for Mayor. Odham requested a runoff.
Although Tim Harris isn’t in the runoff, we appreciate his participation. He formally endorsed Toussaint Summers, Jr. for Mayor on June 27 in an article here.
Bob Brinson won the election for Alderman for Ward 6 and will be seated with the winners of the runoff election.
Early voting is now through 3 p.m. Saturday, July 23 at the Craven County Administrative Building located at 406 Craven Street. The Runoff election date is July 26.
Although Adolph’s computer froze up as we went live and she experienced technical difficulties, all candidates received the same questions and were given time to respond to each question. Random questions were used by residents.
We hosted the debates as a free community service and none of the candidates were advertisers at the time.
By Wendy Card, Editor