Tuesday, July 18, the next regular session meeting will be held at 8:30 a.m. at the Craven County Administration Building, 406 Craven St., New Bern.
Eastern Carolina Council Executive Director, David Bone, will introduce himself to the Board and briefly discuss his vision for ECC.
A copy of his PowerPoint presentation is shown as Attachment #1.
Board Action: Receive information
2. CHILD SUPPORT AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION: Tammy Pearson, NC Child Support Manager, YoungWilliams
Tammy Pearson, NC Child Support Manager with Young Williams, will provide an update on activities in the Child Support Program over the past year and will request adoption of the proclamation shown in Attachment #2, recognizing August 2022 as “Child Support Awareness Month” in Craven County.
Board Action: Adopt proclamation
The Board of Commissioners requested an update from ACT during the annual budget process. Marc Finlayson, ACT Executive Director, will provide a short PowerPoint presentation to meet this request.
Board Action: Receive information
A. Minutes of July 5, 2022 Regular Session
The Board will be requested to approve the minutes of July 5, 2022 regular session, as shown in Attachment #4.A.
B. Tax Releases and Refunds
The Board will be requested to approve the tax releases and refunds as shown Attachment #4.B.
C. Planning – Request for Addition to State Maintained Secondary Road System (Cherry Branch Vicinity)
The Board will be requested to approve a portion of War Admiral Dr. (.28 Miles/1,478’), a portion of Sea Bisquit Dr. (.15 Miles/792’), Secretariate Dr. (.54 Miles/2,851’), Citation Ct. (.05 Miles/264’), and Quarter Horse Run (.29 Miles/1,531’) in their entirety in the Cherry Branch vicinity to be turned over the State of North Carolina for maintenance. Once passed, the resolution shown as Attachment #4.C, will be forwarded to NCDOT for their final consideration and acceptance of the road to the State Maintenance System.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the consent agenda items
A. ACT Budget Amendment
The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.A., in the amount of $25,000.00, is needed to cover membership fees and/or special appropriations that were removed from the annual budget due to Senate Bill 473, which requires public officials to recuse themselves from awarding any funds to any non-profits they are associated with.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the budget amendment
B. NC Southeast Partnership Budget Amendment
The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.B., in the amount of $10,000.00, is needed to cover membership fees and/or special appropriations that were removed from the annual budget due to Senate Bill 473, which requires public officials to recuse themselves from awarding any funds to any non-profits they are associated with.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the budget amendment
C. C1A Budget Amendment
The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.C., in the amount of $50,360.00, is needed to cover membership fees and/or special appropriations that were removed from the annual budget due to Senate Bill 473, which requires public officials to recuse themselves from awarding any funds to any non-profits they are associated with.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the budget amendment
D. Realize U252 Budget Amendment
The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.D., in the amount of $10,000.00, is needed to cover membership fees and/or special appropriations that were removed from the annual budget due to Senate Bill 473, which requires public officials to recuse themselves from awarding any funds to any non-profits they are associated with.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the budget amendment
E. Highway 70 Budget Amendment
The budget amendment, shown as Attachment #5.E., in the amount of $25,000.00, is needed to cover membership fees and/or special appropriations that were removed from the annual budget due to Senate Bill 473, which requires public officials to recuse themselves from awarding any funds to any non-profits they are associated with.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the budget amendment
At the June 6, 2022 Commissioners’ Meeting, Ms. Christie Arrington requested that the Board provide a special appropriation for the Vanceboro Christian Help Center. Her application was submitted after the meeting and is shown as Attachment #6.
Board Action: Consider appropriation request
7. DIX CRISIS CENTER – MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT RENEWAL: Jack Veit, County Manager, Commissioner George Liner
County Manager, Jack Veit, and Commissioner George Liner will present a one-year agreement renewal with the Dix Crisis Center Intervention Center. A copy of the MOA is shown as Attachment #7.
Board Action: Approve MOA for renewal
8. SOLID WASTE: Steven Aster, Solid Waste Director
A. Debris Removal Contract Renewal
As part of disaster preparedness, Craven County has held pre-positioned primary and secondary contracts for Debris Removal. Debris Removal is typically reimbursable by FEMA for federally declared events. On August 19, 2019, the Craven County Board of Commissioners awarded Phillips & Jordan the Primary Debris Removal contract and Crowder-Gulf, LLC the secondary contract for Debris Removal. Both the Debris Removal contracts are set to expire on September 3, 2022.
It is the recommendation of staff that the Craven County Board of Commissioners authorize the County Manager to execute a one-year renewal for the primary Debris Removal contract as well as the secondary Debris Removal contract. Both renewals will ensure the County has a participating Debris Removal contractor in the event of a natural disaster.
Staff and the Disaster Debris Management Consultant will be available for any questions.
Board Action: Approve the extension of the Debris Removal Contracts and authorize the County Manager to execute all necessary agreements.
B. Debris Monitoring Contract Renewal
As part of disaster preparedness, Craven County has held pre-positioned primary and secondary contracts for Debris Monitoring. Debris Monitoring is typically reimbursable by FEMA for federally declared events. On August 19, 2019, the Craven County Board of Commissioners awarded Tetra Tech, Inc the Primary Debris Monitoring contract. The current Debris Monitoring contract is set to expire on September 3, 2022.
It is the recommendation of the staff that the Craven County Board of Commissioners authorize the County Manager to execute a one-year renewal for the primary Debris Monitoring contract.
The authorization of the Debris Monitoring renewal will ensure the County has a participating Debris Monitoring contractor in the event of a natural disaster.
Staff and the Disaster Debris Management Consultant will be available for any questions.
Board Action: Approve the extension of the Debris Monitoring Contract and authorize the County Manager to execute all necessary agreements.
C. Backhoe Purchase for Highway 101 Convenience Center
The Craven County Solid Waste Department is requesting approval of a budget amendment, shown as Attachment #8.C, in the amount of $72,000, to reallocate funds that were originally allocated in FY 22 for the purchase of a JCB Backhoe. The JCB backhoe was ordered on July 7, 2021 and Craven County is still awaiting delivery. The vendor, Company Wrench, is estimating an October 2022 delivery date for this equipment. The delivery and manufacturing of heavy equipment has been significantly impacted with labor shortages and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment in a roll call vote
9. RECREATION: Mark Seymour, Assistant Recreation & Parks Director
A. Grant Opportunity for a Splash Pad at Creekside Park
The inclusive playground at Creekside Park, installed in 2016 remains very popular.One request we routinely receive is the addition of a water feature at Creekside Park. We have an inclusive splash pad in our 2028 CIP for Creekside Park.
However, a one time, $10 million dollar appropriation for Parks and Recreation grants has recently been announced. This grant program, Accessibility for Parks (AFP), is being offered to benefit children and/or veterans with disabilities in North Carolina. Local governments can request a maximum of $500,000 per application with a 20% match from local government. The matching grants can be used to build special facilities or adapt existing facilities that meet the unique needs of children and/or veterans with physical and developmental disabilities.
We are asking permission to pursue this grant with the intentions of adding an inclusive splash pad at Creekside Park. We would also look to add inclusive family restrooms to our current building, a concrete parking area and installation of a fence around the splash pad. The restrooms in this area of the park were built in 1997. With the continued popularity of this area of the park, the restrooms are in need of expansion to meet the needs of our growing user base.
The grant application is due November 1, 2022 and grant announcements will be made in the Spring of 2023.
Board Action: Approve proceeding with this project to include applying for the $500,000 AFP grant
B. Tennis Court Resurfacing Project
The Recreation & Parks Department initially had $50,000 in the 2022 budget to resurface the courts at West Craven Park. A small portion of this was used to fill several cracks in the court while we had an asphalt contractor on site for another project. We hoped to have the rest of the project completed in the spring of 2022; however, the contractor that priced the job is behind schedule, but we have been in constant communication with him. The anticipated date is now late summer to complete this project. We are requesting to move this project to the 2023 fiscal year for completion.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as Attachment #9.B, in the amount of $96,000.00.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment to reallocate funds in FY22-23 to complete the resurfacing project; a roll call vote is needed
10. COASTAL CAROLINA REGIONAL AIRPORT: Andrew Shorter, Airport Director
A. FAA Grant Funding Approval for Parking Lot & Road Re-paving
The Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Authority is in receipt of its CARES development addendum grant offer in the amount of $2,562,397.00, which must be executed before August 11th.
The grant is part of the original $18.7M allocated to EWN as part of the federal government’s CARES Act and will expand and rehabilitate the commercial service terminal parking lot and will also rehabilitate several airport owned roadways serving multiple areas of the airport. The total project cost is: $2,562,397.00 and this is a 100% federally funded project.
Supporting documentation is shown as Attachment #10.A.
Board Action: Accept the FAA CARES development addendum grant offer
B. FAA Grant Funding Approval for Terminal Expansion
The Coastal Carolina Regional Airport Authority is in receipt of its FY2022 Airport Improvement Program draft grant offer in the amount of $13,009,935.00
The grant figure is derived from EWN’s annual FAA entitlement funding formula and an additional $10M discretionary allocation for FY22.
The grant will be issued to cover the first-year cost of the terminal expansion and rehabilitation project. Additional funding for this project will be covered by FY23 FAA airport improvement program grant, state grant funding, and the airport’s federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Airport Improvement Grant (AIG) allocations. The total project cost is $26,144,266.00.
Supporting documentation is shown as Attachment #10.B.
Board Action: Authorize Chairman to sign FAA grant offer when received
11. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUDGET AMENDMENT: Steve Bennett, Information Technology Director
Purchase Order #206 and #296 were issued in FY 21-22 for equipment needed to improve network connectivity and add wireless network connectivity to areas of the Judicial Center for the Sheriff’s Office and to upgrade the Craven County’s VoIP telephone system. The equipment was ordered but items were not received by the fiscal year cut-off.
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as Attachment #11, in the amount of $93,460.00.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment to reallocate funds in FY 22-23; a roll call vote is needed
12. FINANCE – BUDGET AMENDMENT – FOREST RESOURCES: Amanda White, Assistant Finance Director
The Board will be requested to approve the budget amendment, shown as
Attachment #12, for an additional $16,867.00 to be allocated to the Forest Resources Special Appropriation. The additional funds will help cover tentative raises for all certified employees, increase in health insurance and assist in a motor vehicle replacement. The original budget for FY 2023 allocated the same funding from the previous fiscal year of $165,581.00.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment in a roll call vote
Board Action: Appointments will be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified.
A. Pending:
Board of Equalization and Review (District 5)
Craven Aging Planning Board
Craven County Board of Adjustments
Voluntary Agricultural District
B. Current:
New Bern Planning & Zoning – ETJ listing provided as Attachment #13.B
- Vacancy
Fire Tax Commissioners Board
- TWP 5 Harlowe vacancy
Emergency Medical Services- seeks reappointment
- Tim Bazemore (Coastal Medical Transport)
Craven County Planning Board – seeks reappointment
- Tom Lelli (District 1)
Fire Tax Commissioners Board – seeks reappointment
- Sue Arthurs (TWP 6)
C. UPCOMING: Terms Expiring August, 2022
Emergency Medical Services
- Jean Matthews
- Doug Furgason
- Nicholas Salter
- Mark Dail
- Debra Rogers
Local Emergency Planning Committee
- Timothy Lawrence
Fire Tax Commissioners Board
- Otto Simmons (TWP 8 WNB II Rhems)
Craven County Clean Sweep
- Barbara Smith
- Judi Lloyd
River Bend Board of Adjustment
- Kelly Forrest
Craven County has received an offer in the amount of $2,000.00 for this real property, which was acquired jointly with the City of New Bern through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $4,291.75. The tax value of this property is $4,000.00. Attachment #14.A contains copies of the Offer to Purchase, Foreclosure Deed, GIS information, and proposed resolution approving the offer and authorizing the upset bid process.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the City of New Bern, which has already approved this initial offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners approve this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which will in turn authorize advertisement for upset bids. Once the upset bid process is concluded, this transaction will be brought back before the Board of Commissioners for final approval.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving the transaction and authorizing the upset bid process
Craven County has received an offer in the amount of $3,750.00 for this real property, which was acquired jointly with the City of New Bern through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $4,805.06. The tax value of this property is $7,500.00. Attachment #14.B contains copies of the Offer to Purchase, Foreclosure Deed, GIS information, and proposed resolution approving the offer and authorizing the upset bid process.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the City of New Bern, which has already approved this initial offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners approve this transaction, the proposed resolution should be adopted, which will in turn authorize advertisement for upset bids. Once the upset bid process is concluded, this transaction will be brought back before the Board of Commissioners for final approval.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving the transaction and authorizing the upset bid process
By Alison Newcombe, Administrative Secretary, Craven County Manager’s Office