For the month of August, The Tryon Civitan Club is collecting disposable diapers as part of its No Child Wet Behind project to benefit Coastal Women’s Shelter and Religious Community Services.
Listen to Laura Johnson’s radio interview with Pat Drake airing on WNOS 97.1FM and 1450AM or listen below to learn more:
This is the Tryon Civitan’s Second Annual diaper collection to raise the community’s awareness of the need for disposable diapers.
Unlike baby formula and food, diapers are not covered by the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, known as WIC. That means parents are forced to make hard choices: food or diapers? Food assistance is available from local charities and food banks, but getting free diapers is a harder task. Local organizations that carry diapers run out of them fast, and often don’t have a regular donation of diapers.
Lower-income families and especially single parents often struggle to keep their child in diapers. Disposable diapers can cost up to $100 a month for one baby. On average, a newborn goes through 8 to 10 diapers a day. Often, parents compensate by keeping their child in dirty diapers longer, which can lead to bad rashes or even staph infections, reusing soiled disposable diapers, and even resorting to using plastic bags to serve as diapers.
To make matters worse, parents must provide disposable diapers for their children who attend child care; nurseries and child care centers do not allow cloth diapers to be used.
You can drop off your diaper donation at The UPS Store, 1822 South Glenburnie Road (across the street from the main post office). The UPS Store is open Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 4pm.
For more information contact Janet or Ralph Routier at 252-288-6983 or 602-463-7209.
Information provided by Pat Drake, Tryon Civitan Club and Co-owner of the UPS Store of New Bern.
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