The Valentine ARTcrawl on February 14th will be an exciting evening with an overhaul of new artwork on display at Greater Good Gallery. Our jewelry designers Alice Bilello and Elisa Schulman will be on site demonstrating their craft of ornamental creations garnished with semi-precious gemstones, crystals, beads and pendants.
In addition to the new pieces on display during the Valentine ARTcrawl, Lisa Bisbee-Lentz, owner of Greater Good Gallery, announces a one-night-show titled, “Raw Reflections.” The exhibit will feature life drawings, paintings and sculpture and may not be suitable for all ages. See the interpretations of human form by artists Chris Wagner, Lisa Bisbee-Lentz, Michaelé Rose Watson, Blaine Kruger, Daniel Weddle, Ben Alden Watford, Jon Derby, Robin Gockley and more.
Lisa Bisbee-Lentz explains, “In my encounters of drawing or painting the human form, I found that the study of lines and shadows, became larger than any pre-conceived notions that I brought to the easel. The experience of life-drawing transcended into a scientific documentation. Plus, it was an opportunity to experience the tradition of life-drawing in a similar manner as our Renaissance masters had participated. Even if the end-results of my drawings were meager, my appreciation for the determination of the Renaissance masters greatly expanded.”
For more details about the upcoming exhibit at 228 Craven Street in New Bern, NC, visit http://www.greatergoodgallery.com or phone 252-649-1712.
Submitted by: Lisa Bisbee, Greater Good Gallery and Isaac Taylor House/Garden