Laying Tracks Toward New Bern
On Saturday, August 17th, Motorcycle Legend and 2-Time Guinness World Book Record Holder will be blazing his way into New Bern after a long 3,000 mile journey. Dave set out during the last week of June from Bodfish, California and has made his way across the US to be here with us for a day of fundraising, fellowship and fun!
Don’t miss your chance to hear Dave tell of his experiences, an incredible and touching story… His solo motorcycle journey took him three and a half years to complete, spanned six continents and 83,000 miles. But what makes it truly remarkable is that Dave made the trip on a 1972 Harley-Davidson® motorcycle with two prosthetic legs, the result of an 1981 land mine explosion. His life lessons will enrich and empower you as he shares how he brought his vision to life by setting goals, staying focused, and overcoming obstacles and using his message of inspiration to help others in need.
In 2000, Dave Created the Dave Barr Foundation and a series of motorcycle related events called The Patriot Express, that aid the families of our veterans who return from service with significant injuries, long-term medical care needs or PTSD.

The first of these events in New Bern will be The Patriot Express Poker Run. A 90 mile motorcycle ride, leaving Lucky Street Tattoo on Hwy 70 at 10 am and stopping at several locations along the route. The ride will also end at Lucky Street with prizes for our winners, a hot dog lunch, live music from Old Railroad Trail, charity bike wash and a few friendly games.
Later, The Patriot Express will host Bikes, Blues & BBQ, a plated BBQ dinner at Stanley Hall, above the Rivertowne Ballroom. Moore’s BBQ is providing the delicious fare, the Carolina Casuals will be playing some good tunes for a shaggin’ good time and there will be goodies for a silent auction.
Please visit www.patriotexpress.us and www.davebarr.com for more information, or call Beth Fairchild at 252-636-0333.
100% of all proceeds from both events will directly benefit Patriot Express, a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible.
Submitted by: Beth Fairchild, Lucky Street Tattoo on behalf of the Dave Barr Foundation