Have you met the Mayor of Middle Street yet. His name is Toby aka Captain Toby and he hangs out at The Boathouse of New Bern at 220 Middle Street, downtown New Bern. Toby is a Catahoula Leopard mix dog and he graduated from the New Leash on Life Program in October of 2010. This is one amazing dog and he has a very large following of friends. Some people stop by to see him every chance they get, others just wave as they go by and many bring him special treats. Seems like everybody knows Toby. He and his person, Kim Glenn, work seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Time for a vacation!

Believe it or not, Pals for Paws had a hard time finding someone to adopt this great dog. Everybody said that he was too big when actually he is just tall. He is built svelte like a Greyhound with long legs. When Kim first considered adopting him she was afraid that she could not offer him what he needed. Working full time, seven days a week and living in an apartment was not the ideal situation for a high energy dog. Now she can’t imagine what life would be like without him. Recently, she broke her leg and had to work the store in a wheel chair. Toby stayed close and watched over her. Every day was a new challenge and he helped her cope. They are a real team.
Toby divides his work time between his bed behind the counter, sunning in the store window, looking out the front door to see who is going by and running around the store chasing some toy. When the weather is good, he goes outside and visits people on the sidewalk. He loves everybody and their dogs. Toby and Kim live close by the store so they walk to and from work every day to get their exercise. You don’t see one without the other. His original write up from the shelter said that he is exceptionally intelligent and it was important to keep him from getting bored. Well, I think Kim has succeeded with that. Toby lives an interesting and mentally challenging life being a store dog and greeting customers.
Toby received his training at the Craven Correctional Institution in the New Leash on Life program. He spent eight weeks there with his inmate trainer learning the basics of obedience, walking on a leash and being a good house dog. He graduated with flying colors.
I stopped by to see him over the weekend and he told me that since Mayor Bettis has declared that he will not run for re-election, Toby might expand his boundaries and run for the position. He already has a large constituent base. Being in the public eye and ear, Toby knows what is going on and has some good ideas he would like to implement. When you are downtown, stop by to see him and Kim and let him know your ideas on his running for New Bern Mayor. And while you are there, check out The Boathouse, it is a great store.
If you are interested in more information on the New Leash on Life program or would like to adopt a dog, give Bonnie Compton a call at 252-638-2358 or visit www.palsforpaws.org. Every eight weeks, four new dogs are taken from the shelter and entered into the program. Maybe there is a Toby waiting for you.
Submitted by: Bonnie Compton, Pals for Paws