Listen to New Bern Now’s Laura Johnson’s interview with Billy Wilkes, Events Director, Craven County Recreation and Parks about the upcoming Neuse River Senior Games aired on Radio Free ENC’s WNOS 105.9FM and 1450AM:
Neuse River Senior Games (NRSG) participants will have an opportunity to practice weeks before the games begin by attending free exercise classes and sports clinics. NRSG are scheduled for April 16-25 at various locations throughout Craven County.
The games are an excellent health promotion program for adults 55 years and better.
NRSG planners hope to register at least 300 participants this year. One way to meet this goal is through a grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. Funds will be used to develop, sustain, and hopefully attract new participants through physical activity programs at county senior centers in Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, and Pamlico counties. The exercise classes are free to the public.
In addition, beginning Friday’s February 22 through April 12 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., athletes will have the opportunity to practice six sports: horseshoes, shuffleboard, billiards, basketball toss, table tennis, and cornhole at West New Bern Recreation Center. The free practice sessions are open to the public.
Senior games are a great way to stay active, improve health, and enjoy social aspects of the events. “We added cornhole to the games last year, and it was one of the most popular competitions,” says Billy Wilkes, NRSG Events Director, “it was really special watching the experienced participants coach the newer people; I believe some valuable friendships are formed through the games.”
NRSG encompasses six counties including Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, and Pamlico. Qualifiers in the local games may go to the North Carolina Senior Games (NCSG). Finals are held every fall in Raleigh. Every other year participants who qualify at the State Games may continue on to the National Senior Games. Registration for the 2013 NRSG and Silver Arts ends Friday, March 8th.
For more information or to register, contact Johanne Pryor, NRSG Coordinator, at 252-745-5252 or Billy Wilkes, Events Director, at Craven County Parks and Recreation, 252-636-6606. For more information on NRSG, including registration forms, visit www.cravencounty.com/parks/seniorgames/seniormain.cfm. NCSG information, including sports rules, is available at www.ncseniorgames.org. NRSG is sanctioned by North Carolina Senior Games and is sponsored by the North Carolina Division of Health and Adult Services.
Information provided by: Jillian Hardin, Aging Specialist, Eastern Carolina Council Area Agency on Aging
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