River Brew to open second New Bern location for more homemade, handcrafted flavors
Erika Hodges always knew one coffee shop wasn’t going to be enough. After becoming the sole owner of River Brew in River Bend last August, Hodges said she almost immediately began thinking about opening a second location. “I knew from the beginning […]
Weekend Happenings in and around New Bern: June 30-July 2
Around Town Enroll in the TSA PreCheck® program today and Friday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m.-6 p.m. at 210 Terminal Dr. in Room 104 in the Aircraft Fire and Rescue Building at Coastal Carolina Regional Airport. Check out the New Bern […]
West Craven JROTC to make flag presentation to My Sister’s House
The West Craven High School JROTC Color Guard will make a U.S. flag presentation at My Sister’s House, 524 Roundtree St. in New Bern on July 1 at 3 p.m. The public is invited to attend this brief presentation ceremony. “As we […]
Tryon Palace presents the Glorious Fourth
Tryon Palace invites you to celebrate Independence Day at North Carolina’s first state capitol! In 1776, New Bern was under Patriot rule, and the revolutionary government occupied Tryon Palace. After defeating the British at the Battle of Moore’s Creek, February 1776, independence from English […]
Board of Aldermen approve $1.2M contract to repair damaged sewer pipe near South Glenburnie Road
The second phase of a project to repair a critically deteriorated sewer pipe off of South Glenburnie Road received approval from the New Bern Board of Aldermen this week. During their June 27 meeting, the board authorized the city manager to execute […]
Metronet announces internet installation is now available in James City
Updated at 5:50 p.m. In a press release issued today, Metronet announced fiber optic internet service is now available to residents and businesses in James City. People can sign up for service installation at metronet.com. If you’re considering changing your service provider […]
Craven renews “very important” multi-county partnership for opioid abuse treatment
Craven County has committed $300,000 to renew a multi-county partnership that provides funding for Dix Crisis Center in Jacksonville, which officials describe as an essential component in the county’s battle against opioid addiction. On June 19 the Craven County Board of Commissioners […]