The meeting will be held on Oct. 2, 2023, at 6 p.m. in the Craven County Commissioners Meeting Room at the Craven County Administration Building in New Bern. View the agenda here.
Comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda of any regularly scheduled meeting of the Board shall be made during an agenda comment period occurring at the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to items on the agenda for such meeting.
Each speaker will have three minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information.
2.myFutureNC PRESENTATION: Toni Blount
Toni Blount, Regional Impact Manager, will provide a presentation on the activities and future goals of myFutureNC.
A copy of her presentation, along with a resolution for the Board’s approval, is shown in the following documents.
Board’s Action: Receive information and consider resolution for approval.
A. Minutes of September 18. 2023 Regular Session
The Board will be requested to approve the minutes of September 18, 2023 regular session, as shown in the following document.
B. Tax Releases and Refunds
The Board will be requested to approve the tax releases and refunds, as shown in the following document. Tax Assessor, Leslie Young, submitted an explanation for the following releases.
1. Owner – L/DL US Operations LLC, Account Number 114980, Adjusted appraised value of Business Personal Property to reflect Board of Equalization and Review
appraisal value decision in 2021. Value was not submitted with BPP Listing 2023. Request to release $2,800.44 to reflect the difference in Board of Equalization and Review appraisal value of 2021.
2. Owner – White River Marine Group LLC, Account Number 96053, A portion of Business Personal Property items were listed by the owner for Tax Year 2023; however, these items are accounted for in the Real Property appraised value. Due to double-bill, request to release $8,720.68.
C. Emergency Services – Budget Amendment
The Board will be requested to approve a budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $8,148.00, for damage caused by a deer strike to one of their vehicles.
D. Social Services – Westlaw Services – Budget Amendment
The Department of Social Services was notified of an increase in fees for Westlaw Services, which is vital to agency attorneys in their defense of child welfare cases. This service allows attorneys to review case law in the defense for children who are involved in our court system due to abuse, neglect or dependency. DSS is required to have one license for each attorney. The cost is reimbursed at approximately 50%.
The Board will be requested to approve a budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $5,000.00.
E. Sheriff – Rollover Budget Amendment
The Board will be requested to approve a budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $8,820.00, to move funds that were allocated in FY23 through purchase orders. These purchase orders have not yet been completed due to various reasons, including backorders from the vendors. These funds were allocated in the 4314 (SRO) account lines and will be paid out in FY24.
F. Resolution in Support of Shrimp Disaster Determination
The Board will be requested to adopt the resolution, shown in the following document, in support of Shrimp Disaster Determination.
G. Resolution in Support of Shrimp Disaster Determination
The Board will be requested to adopt the resolution, shown in the following document, supporting Operation Green Light for Veterans, from October through Veteran’s Day, November 9, 2023.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the consent agenda items.
4. CARTS: Kelly Walker-Cuthrell
A. Request Authorization to Apply for State Maintenance Assistance Program (SMAP)
The State Maintenance Assistance Program (SMAP) is a state-funded public transportation grant program administered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). The intention of this program is to provide operating assistance to urban, small-urban, and urban regional fixed route and commuter bus systems. Eligible uses of the funds are limited to a system’s operating costs. These funds are not guaranteed from year to year and therefore are not included in the CARTS budget.
On September 6, 2023, CARTS was notified that we have been allocated $130,920 for Fiscal Year 20232-2024. This is the same amount as the previous FY2022-2023 allocation. The application deadline is October 11 , 2023, and the funds must be expended by June 30, 2023. A public hearing is not required. SMAP funding cannot exceed the amount of local match for CARTS’ operating expenses.
CARTS is requesting approval to apply for $130,920 in SMAP funds. A copy of the application budget is shown in the following document.
Board Action: Approval to apply for FY2023-2024 SMAP funds.
B. Request Authorization to Apply for Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP):
The Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) is a state-funded transportation grant program administered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). ROAP consolidates the Elderly and Disabled Assistance Program (EDT AP) for all areas of Craven County; the Employment Transportation Program (EMP) for all areas of Craven County; and the Rural General Public (RGP) for the rural areas of Craven County into one application. Each county within the CARTS service area is responsible for making a ROAP application for its respective county.
On September 6, 2023, CARTS was notified that Craven County has been allocated $103,736.00 for EDTAP; $28,759.00 for EMP; and $45,420.00 for RGP. The total amount is $177,915.00. This is a decrease of $27,978.00 from FY2022-2023. A public hearing is not required to apply for this funding. In addition to completing the application, a Certified Statement signed by the County Manager and County Finance Officer is required. The application deadline is October 11, 2023.
A copy of the Certified Statement and grant application is shown in the following documents.
Board Action: Authorize staff to proceed with the application process for the FY2023-2024 ROAP grant.
5. Planning – NC Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) Single-family Rehabilitation Grant Acceptance, Adoption of Policies and Budget Amendment: Chad Strawn
Craven County has been officially notified by the NC Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) that we have received $162,000.00 for the rehabilitation of three (3) homes.
These homes will be identified through an application intake process in the fall of this year. The application grading criteria will be based on the owner’s need, number of dependents, income, age, disabilities, and military veteran status. Once these three homes are completed, the County may receive more funds to rehabilitate additional identified homes.
In order to move forward with these grant funds, the County must first officially accept the grant, and then adopt the required program policies, along with approving the budget amendment and ordinance. These policies have been reviewed by Finance and the County attorney.
Copies of the grant, program policies, budget amendment and ordinance are shown in the following documents.
Board Action: Accept the grant, adopt the required program policies, and approve the budget amendment and ordinance for this NC Housing Finance Agency grant. A roll call vote is required.
6. Emergency Services – Purchase of Fire Truck: Brad Banks
Chief Brad Banks with the West New Bern Volunteer Fire Department will present a proposal for the replacement of a 1985 Pierce Pumper. The truck is displaying multiple mechanical problems with transmission, temperature, leaking tank and fuel system malfunctions, as well as worn steering components. The department has negotiated with CIVIC Federal Credit Union to obtain a loan up to $400,0000.00 to purchase a used pumper truck. The current budget has allocated funds for the payment.
Information pertaining to this request is shown in the following documents.
Board Action: Receive Information
7. Sheriff- Rollover of Funds – Budget Amendment: Chip Hughes
The Board will be requested to approve a budget amendment, shown in the following document, in the amount of $56,67800., to move funds that were allocated in FY23 through purchase orders. These purchase orders have not yet been completed due to various reasons, including backorders from vendors. These funds were allocated in the 4310 (SHF) account lines.
Board Action: Approve budget amendment in the amount of $56,678; a roll call vote is needed.
8. Facilities – Approval of Short-term Lease of County Property for Mumfest Activities: Gene Hodges
For several years now, Craven County has partnered with Swiss Bear to make County properties available for use during the annual Mumfest activities. In previous years, the use of the County properties has been limited to the parking lots of the County Administration Building and the District Attorney Office Building. With the purchase of the Sudan Temple property, Craven County acquired ownership of the vacant waterfront parcel at the east end of Broad Street. This large parcel is the traditional location of the amusement rides that are a part of the Mumfest attractions. With this increased use of County-owned property, staff and legal counsel felt it was in Craven County’s interest to develop a short-term lease agreement and to require insurance coverage for this event.
Shown in the following documents are copies of a draft lease agreement and a map of the areas that are subject to the agreement. Swi$S Bear will be providing proof of insurance prior to execution of this agreement.
The Board is requested to approve the lease agreement with Swiss Bear and authorize the County Manager to execute and deliver the lease agreement once all required insurance information is provided.
Board Action: Approve the lease agreement with Swiss Bear of county property for Mumfest activities and authorize the County Manager to execute any needed documents once all required insurance information is provided.
9. Appointments
A. Pending:
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport
Craven Regional Library
Havelock Board of Adjustment (ETJ) (document follows)
Havelock Library
Highway 70 Corridor Committee
Volunteer Agricultural District (District 6)
B. Current:
Community Child Protection Team
-Applicant Casey Hoffman seeks to fill seat vacated by Kimberly Merwin
Craven County Clean Sweep
-Applicant Dr. Gregory Monroe seeks appointment to fill seat vacated by Michael Swain (school position)
EMS Advisory
Applicant Jackson Parker seeks appointment to fill seat vacated by Robert Boyd
Fire Tax Commissioner Board
-Charles Dudley (TWP 5 Harlowe) seeks reappointment
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
-Applicant Jasmine Canady seeks appointment to fill Seat 15 vacated by Jamara Harris (general seat)
C. UPCOMING: Terms Expiring November
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
-Catherine Hansen (DA’s Office)
-Billie Mathes (law enforcement)
Board Action: Appointments will be effective immediately, unless otherwise specified.
10. County Attorney’s Report: Arey Grady
A. Approval of Conveyance -305 John Street; Parcel No. 7-004-015
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $1,500.00, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were two upset bids, the final bid being $1,765.00. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $1,765.00. The County originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $2,901.08. The tax value of this property is $1,500.00.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the resolution, shown in the following document, should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
B. Approval of Conveyance – 5491 Adams Creek Road; Parcel No. 5-020-1001
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $3,000.00, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were no upset bids, the final bid being $3,000.00. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $3,000.00. The County originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $2,612.42. The tax value of this property is $16,000.00.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the resolution, shown in the following document, should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
C. Approval of Conveyance – 2308 Pearson Street; Parcel No. 8-039-040
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $2,500.00, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were no upset bids, the final bid being $2,500.00. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $2,500.00. The County and the City of New Bern originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $4,624.39. The tax value of this property is $5,000.00.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the City of New Bern, which has already granted final approval of this offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the resolution, shown in the following document, should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
D. Approval of Conveyance – 1724 Rhem Avenue; Parcel No. 8-024-094
The County previously received and approved an offer to purchase this real property, in the amount of $10,200.00, subject to the completion of the upset bid process. The offer was advertised, and there were no upset bids, the final bid being $10,200.00. The upset bid period has now expired, and the County Attorney recommends approval of the conveyance at the purchase price of $10,200.00. The County and the City of New Bern originally acquired this property through a tax foreclosure, with past due taxes and costs of foreclosure totaling $6,867.59. The tax value of this property is $20,250.00.
Note that this property is jointly owned with the· City of New Bern, which has already granted final approval of this offer.
Should the Board of Commissioners authorize this transaction, the resolution, shown in the following document, should be adopted, which in turn will authorize the execution and delivery of the necessary documents.
Board Action: Adopt resolution approving conveyance after expiration of upset bid period.
11. Petition of Citizen’s
Comments directly pertaining to policies or issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board shall be made during a general comment period occurring at the end of each regularly scheduled meeting. Comments during this period shall be limited to those comments directly pertaining to issues which are under the statutory or administrative authority of the Board.
Each speaker must address the Board as a whole (and not any individual Commissioner, County staff member or the audience) from the lectern and shall begin his or her remarks by giving his or her name and address and the topic about which they intend to speak. Each speaker will have three (3) minutes to make remarks, as measured by a timer operated by County staff. A speaker may not yield any of his or her time to another speaker.
Speakers must be courteous in their language and presentation and must abide by generally accepted standards of decorum. Speakers shall not make the same or repetitive comments, whether during a particular comment period or over the course of multiple comment periods. Speakers shall not attack or insult any person or group of people, and speakers shall not give belligerent or hostile comments during any comment period.
Board Action: Receive information
Submitted by Alison Newcombe, Craven County Manager’s Office
View the meeting packet with details here and watch the meeting on Craven County, NC YouTube channel.