Social Media Summit rescheduled for March 20th

Social Media Summit - VFW #2514Due to inclement weather, we’re rescheduling the Social Media Summit to March 20th. If you’ve already paid and cannot attend, please let us know and we will refund your money.

The event will be held at the VFW Post 2514, located at 3850 Butler Rd. from 11 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

If you would like to attend and haven’t signed up, there’s still time! Deadline to register is March 20th.

This is an event like no other as it brings people of all education levels together, specifically people with little knowledge about social media to others who are well versed in certain platforms. This year we’ve added breakout sessions for speakers to talk one on one and answer any in-depth questions.

Subjects include: Copyright and intellectual property issues; branding; content creation and marketing; websites; blogging; images and video; podcasting; analytics; reviews; search engine optimization, social media platform statistics, relationship management; SM Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, What’s app, Pinterest; marketing success stories, WCTI News Channel 12; New Bern Sun Journal; New Bern Post; The Charles Tendell Show; and City Talk with Sabrina and Lee; City of New Bern’s City 3 TV.

Because we had to reschedule the event, some of the speakers may change so stay tuned for an updated line-up.

For more details about the event, click here.

We appreciate your patience and hope to see you on March 20th!

Join us for a fun day of learning, networking, and walk away with a new social media marketing toolkit!

Sign up today by filling out this registration form and returning it to us to. There is a $20 fee that includes lunch, beverages, networking opportunities, take away information, and more!

If you prefer to pay via PayPal, click the below button and please email your registration form to us:

Social Media Summit Tickets

Please let us know if you have any questions by calling 252-259-6853 or sending email.

Wendy Card