Letter from the Editor: Keep independent journalism alive in New Bern and Craven County

Ring-neck dove on log. (NBN Photo)

New Bern Now has been the only local, independently owned news source for the past 15 years. Although we have a large audience, only a small number of readers understand that news can’t be free. We can no longer continue unless more people become paid subscribers.

Local news, especially in-depth and investigative journalism has rapidly declined since 2009, leaving thousands of “news deserts” across the country.

Lack of reporting can undermine public accountability, lead to corruption and result in a less informed community.

NBN produces comprehensive public interest journalism.

This kind of reporting is time-consuming and expensive.

We watch board meetings, gather information, request and obtain public records, research, conduct interviews, take photos, write and publish stories. This process can take days, weeks and sometimes longer.

Revenue from subscriptions has not been enough to pay the bills as less than 1% of readers make subscription payments. We are thankful to readers who recognize the value of our work.

Unless more readers are willing to pay a monthly or one-time subscription, we will be forced to close.

Consider subscribing here or send a check to NC Life Media, LLC, P.O. Box 13614, New Bern, NC 28561.

Thank you.

By Wendy Card, owner and editor. Send an email with questions or comments.