The New Bern Housing Authority published information promoting Commissioner Jennell Reddick’s election campaign for Craven County Board of Education, District 3 on their social media page and removed it three days later.
Reddick is currently a member of the NBHA’s Board of Commissioners.
The housing authority shared a post on their Facebook page announcing an upcoming Reddick campaign event. The post was made on Feb. 12 at 1:17 a.m. The Reddick Campaign “loved” the post. The post was removed this morning, but it remains online here.
According to an announcement on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s website, “PHAs may not use public housing funds to finance the use of facilities or equipment for partisan political purposes or partisan political activities that favor one candidate, party or political position over another.”
Lori Grady Spiece and Dee Taylor are also running for the Craven County Board of Education, District 3 seat.
Updated Feb. 16: The housing authority responded to New Bern Now’s request for comment by stating, “The Facebook post you referenced was made in error and, therefore, it has been removed. It is the policy of the New Bern Housing Authority that it does not endorse candidates for political office.”
NBN also asked Reddick’s campaign for comment but had not received a response.
By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.