New Bern restaurants and food establishments need education on one of the most dangerous allergens that can impact their patrons, latex. We have lived here for two years, and I can only dine at a handful of restaurants. I have gone into anaphylactic shock three times since moving here. Many states have laws that prohibit the use of latex gloves in their restaurants, catering, and healthcare. Connecticut even fines any establishment that uses latex gloves, for every employee wearing them. The particles in latex glove can become airborne and inhaled, subsequently causing an allergic reaction without direct contact. Restaurants, food trucks, catering companies have safer buying options such as nitrile, vinyl, polyethylene, etc. Vinyl gloves are cheaper than latex gloves. New Bern is a tourist destination, and our town is failing not only our residents but our visitors, putting them at risk. Why are our business owners not being educated on such a dangerous allergen? Our adjacent towns, such as Beaufort, are beyond educated on latex allergens and how life threatening they can be. I can walk into a restaurant in Beaufort and they will proudly show me their gloves and that they are conscious of patrons’ allergies. Did you know that majority of our dental offices still use latex gloves? I have worked in healthcare my entire adult life and cannot believe dental providers have latex products in their offices. If New Bern wants to thrive, if restaurants in New Bern want to thrive, they need to be educated on latex. Why is nobody being held accountable? Our town events have latex balloon arches and balloons, everywhere. The town of New Bern, the businesses and medical practices that continue to use latex are threatening people’s lives. This problem needs to be brought to light and we need to do better. The only way we can start educating is by bringing awareness.
By Brittnee Provencher