RiverTowne Players is excited to present the musical Urinetown as its next production, which opens this Friday, June 2, at 7:30 p.m. A satirical comedy set in a dark future where all toilets are controlled by a megacorporation, Urinetown is a little different of an offering from what RiverTowne normally puts on stage, says board president Jackie Mallard-Larder.
“Being a political satire, Urinetown pokes fun at capitalism, socialism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, and petty small town politics. It’s everything people want to say but don’t,” said Mallard-Larder. “It’s the equivalent to the southern ‘Bless your heart.’”
Directed by John Van Dyke, who is well known in the community for his other productions including Oliver! and Pippin, Mallard-Larder said the talented and creative cast contains both seasoned and new actors. She also encouraged theater buffs not to be afraid to try something new.
“With an unconventional plot, we are certain audiences will be amused,” said Mallard-Larder. “Don’t let the title deter ya! Get your tickets soon!”
Tickets may be purchased online at rivertowneplayers.org/tickets or in person at Nautical Wheelers in downtown New Bern. Show runs for the next three weekends, June 2-4, June 9-11, and June 16-7, showtimes 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, 3 p.m. on Sundays.
By Michelle Garren-Flye