The meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. in the Craven County Commissioners Meeting Room at the Craven County Administration Building in New Bern.
A. Minutes of September 6, 2022 Regular Session
B. Tax Releases and Refunds
C. Social Services – One Time Increased Chafee (LINKS) Transition Funds Budget Amendment: The John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, LINKS in North Carolina, assists current and former eligible foster care youth and young adults ages 14-21 in achieving self-sufficiency through support services, resources, and LINKS Special Funds. For FY 2022-2023, the North Carolina Department of Social Services (NCDSS) has a one-time use of additional Chafee funds available to support the purchase of school uniforms and clothing. Funds must be expended by September 30, 2022. There is no County match. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $9,500.
D. Planning – Ford Explorers (2) Budget Amendment: The Planning & Inspections Department requests approval of a Budget Amendment in the amount of $6,697 for the purchase of two Ford Explorers. The additional funds are needed to cover the recent price increase of the vehicles.
E. Sheriff – Donation Check Budget Amendment: The Sheriff’s Office was given a donation check in the amount of $200 from a Craven County citizen. This check will be used towards the purchase of a variety of items needed by the office. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $200.
F. Proclamation in Recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: The Board will be requested to adopt the Proclamation, shown as Attachment #1.F, recognizing September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Craven County.
Board Action: A roll call vote is needed to approve the consent agenda items
2. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) CRAVEN COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (CTP) PRESENTATION: Hemal Shah, NCDOT Engineer; Behshad Norowzi, Transportation Engineer Supervisor. The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a long-range planning tool for counties and municipalities that will assist local governments in making transportation decisions for the next 25-30 years.
3. SOCIAL SERVICES: Geoffrey Marett, Social Services Director
A. Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) Administrative Funds Budget Amendment: The Department of Social Services has received additional ARPA Administrative funding for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). There is no County match. Funds are 100% Federal and are to provide administrative funding for temporary workers and permanent staff who administer the LIHWAP program, which is emergency assistance to low-income households to prevent disconnection or provide assistance with reconnection of drinking and wastewater services. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $24,071.
B. Special Adoption Promotion Funds Budget Amendment: The Department of Social Services is requesting to roll forward unspent funds from
FY 2021-2022, as well as budget additional funding awarded in FY 2022-2023. Funds are awarded by the State based on the number of adoptions that are finalized and are given to DSS to use in the adoption program. There is no County match, and unspent funds are to be rolled forward to the next fiscal year. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $99,544.
C. Senior Program Roll Forward of Unspent Funds Budget Amendment: The Department of Social Services is requesting to roll forward from prior fiscal year, unspent funds donated to the Senior Program, Meals Program and Sunshine Program. A detailed spreadsheet is included in the attachment. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $23,857.
4. CARTS: Kelly Walker-Cuthrell, Transportation Director
A. Approve Policy for Rental of Advertising Space on CARTS Vehicles: CARTS was recently part of a Proficiency Review by the North Carolina Department of Transportation/Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). As part of the proficiency review, CARTS was instructed to obtain governing board approval for the existing advertising policy. Other than some minor grammatical and formatting changes, no changes were made to the policy that has been in place for years. CARTS is requesting the Board to approve the Policy for Rental of Advertising Space on CARTS Vehicles in order to be in compliance with NCDOT/IMD policy requirements.
B. Approve Statement of Capital Withdrawal: Craven Area Rural Transit System (CARTS) was approved to purchase replacement vehicles for CARTS #500 and #476 in FY2021-2022 using a grant approved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation/Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). The order for the replacement vehicles was placed in September 2021. NCDOT/IMD issued a period of performance extension in March 2022 to transit systems due to a delay in chassis deliveries to vendors. Systems were informed in July 2022 that all outstanding vehicle orders had been cancelled due to Ford cancelling all chassis orders. It will likely be 18-24 months before replacement vehicles become available for purchase. NCDOT/IMD requested that CARTS complete a Statement of Capital Withdrawal to remove the two outstanding replacement vehicles from the FY2021-2022 grant which will allow closure of the FY2021-2022 grant. Those vehicles will be included in FY2023-2024 capital grant application scheduled to be released in November, along with the vehicles already identified for replacement in that grant cycle. Approval of the Statement of Capital Withdrawal will not delay the replacement of vehicle #500 and #476. It merely moves the vehicles from one grant cycle into another.
C. American Rescue Plan Capital Purchases Budget Amendment: CARTS applied for grant funding to make various capital purchases. The items in the application included: 27 radio systems; one wheelchair securement training table, five hard drive replacements for on-board vehicle cameras; and the replacement of the CARTS administrative vehicle to be used for non-revenue purposes. The North Carolina Department of Transportation/Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD) approved the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Capital Purchases grant in the amount of $68,276. This funding represents the rural portion of items included in the grant. The urban portion amount of $35,414 is included in the 5307 CARES Act application. Both grants have been awarded. CARTS is requesting a Budget Amendment in the amount of $103,690 for the rural and urban revenue and expenses for the radios, training table, hard drives, and replacement vehicle to be included in the FY2023 CARTS budget.
D. FY 2022-2023 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Grant Authorization: The Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) is a state-funded transportation grant program administered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). ROAP consolidates the Elderly and Disabled Assistance Program (EDTAP) for the rural and urban areas of Craven County; the Employment Transportation Program (EMP) for the rural and urban areas of Craven County; and the Rural General Public (RGP) for the rural areas of Craven County into one application. Each county within the CARTS service area is responsible for making a ROAP application for its respective county. On Aug, 30, 2022, CARTS was notified that Craven County has been allocated $93,558 for EDTAP; $24,412 for EMP; and $87,923 for RGP. The total amount is $205,893. This is a decrease of $20,276 from FY2021-2022. The RGP requires a 10% match which is covered by fares charged to the passengers. A public hearing is not required to apply for this funding. In addition to completing the application, a Certified Statement signed by the County Manager and County Finance Officer is required. The application deadline is Sept. 30, 2022.
E. Authorization to Apply for State Maintenance Assistance Program: The State Maintenance Assistance Program (SMAP) is a state-funded public transportation grant program administered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD). The intention of this program is to provide operating assistance to urban, small-urban, and urban regional fixed route and commuter bus systems. Eligible uses of the funds are limited to a system’s operating costs. On Aug. 30, 2022, CARTS was notified they have been allocated $130,920 for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. This is the same amount as the previous FY2021-2022 allocation. The application deadline is September 30, 2022, and the funds must be expended by June 30, 2023. A public hearing is not required. SMAP funding cannot exceed the amount of local match provided for the 5307 Urban Area Formula Funds grant. With approval of this grant, the CARTS local match will be $130,920 and the SMAP revenue will also be $130,920. CARTS is requesting approval to apply for $130,920 in SMAP funds. The deadline to submit all required documents is September 30, 2022.
5. HEALTH: Scott Harrelson, Health Director
A. Additional One-Time American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding Budget Amendment: The Craven County Health Department has received $65,500 in supplemental funding to further enhance health care services. The department has recently hired a Nurse Practitioner in the Adult Primary Care clinic. This funding will be used to cover her salary. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $65,500.
B. Use of Fund Balance Appropriation Budget Amendment: The Craven County Health Department is requesting utilization of $204,282 in revenues earned from FY 2022 to purchase items needed in FY 2023, as included in the attachment. The request includes items needed for the Animal Shelter, training expenses & equipment for Environmental Health, upgrades to the building and clinical supplies & equipment. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $204,282.
6. PLANNING: Chip Bartlett, Insight Planning & Development; Chad Strawn, Assistant Planning Director; Don Baumgardner, Planning Director
A. Contract Award – CDBG-Neighborhood Revitalization Legal Services: Craven County has received CDBG-Neighborhood Revitalization (CDBG-NR) funds to assist four (4) residential homes with severe needs. In July 2022, the Planning Department solicited proposals from several firms to provide the required legal services to implement this program. Because only one bid was received and at least two are required, a 2nd RFP was sent out in August 2022, during which time two firms submitted proposals: Sumrell Sugg and Grady/Quattlebaum, PLLC. Based upon review of both proposals, Grady/Quattlebaum, PLLC was ranked with the highest number of points. The per title fee from Grady/Quattlebaum, PLLC is higher, their hourly rate is less and their response time is half that of Sumrell Sugg. Based on these factors, the Planning Department requests the contract be awarded to Grady/Quattlebaum, PLLC.
B. Living Shoreline Study Grant Approval Budget Amendment: As a result of Craven County’s efforts of working with the Division of Coastal Management Resilient Coastal Community Program (RCCP), the County was awarded $45,000 to perform a Living Shoreline Study within the Neuse and Trent River basins. A living shoreline is a protected, stabilized coastal edge made of natural materials such as plants, sand, or rock. The County plans to hire a consultant to perform this study. The purpose of this study is to identify locations along the banks of the Neuse and Trent rivers that have seen substantial shoreline erosion over the past 100 years. Once these areas are identified and the living shoreline treatment options are produced, the County plans to apply for grant funding to construct a living shoreline at sites that would protect public infrastructure from future storm damages. The Planning Department is requesting approval of the grant agreement with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the Budget Amendment, shown as in the amount of $45,000.
C. Subdivision for Approval – The Mill Phase Three at Heritage Farms – Final:
– Property is owned by Blades Road, LLC
– Surveying and Engineering by Thomas Engineering, P.A.
– Property is located with Twp. 5 on Harvest Blvd. (SR 1879)
– Parcel ID 5-013-037
– Subdivision contains 21 lots on 11.42 acres
– Lots will be served by Craven County water and proposed individual septic systems
Project Blue Fin is a local manufacturer, White River Marine, who announced plans to invest $34 million in real estate, machining & equipment in its existing facility and create and maintain over 500 jobs in five years. To assist in this investment, the North Carolina Department of Commerce has approved White River Marine for a $500,000 Building Reuse Grant under the Rural Infrastructure Authority and the Rural Economic Development Division to be provided to Craven County to assist in the construction activities at their facility. The Board will be requested to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $500,000.
With the State of North Carolina budget that was approved in November 2021, Craven County was awarded a $5 million State Capital and Infrastructure Fund (SCIF) grant for repairs and renovation work at the Craven County Courthouse. Staff has been working with our architects, Oakley Collier Architects (OCA), to develop the next phase of the Courthouse project to encumber these funds and continue this project. the next phase of this project will proceed with the entrance improvements to provide ADA accessibility to the Courthouse property that includes the Emergency Operations Center and access to the 2nd and 3rd Floors of the Courthouse property. This phase of the project will effectively raise all the exit doors for this portion of the building above the flood plane, thus making the building more secure from natural disasters while improving the accessibility of the space. Additionally, a new secured, covered area will be provided for the transport of inmates for court related activities. Staff is requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve a Project Ordinance Amendment and related Budget Amendment in the amount of $5,607,000. This includes $5,000,000 in general construction, $455,000 in architect and engineering fees, and adding $152,000 to the project contingency budget. Barnhill Contracting, the Construction Manager at Risk for this project, will begin pricing the work once all the designs are finalized.
– Craven County Board of Adjustments
– Craven County Clean Sweep
– Emergency Medical Services
– Fire Tax Commissioners (TWP 9)
– Havelock/Craven County Library Board
– Voluntary Agricultural District
Fire Tax Commissioners Board – all seek reappointment
– Rolf Maris – TWP 2 Tri-Community
– Alton Riggs – TWP 7 Fire
– Joseph Midgette – TWP 1 Vanceboro Fire
– Aaron McLawhorn – TWP 8 WNB II Rhems Fire
Firemen’s Relief Board of Trustees – all seek reappointment
– Robert Stroud – TWP 3 Dover Fire
– Felix Croom – TWP 3 Ft. Barnwell Fire
– Dred Mitchell – TWP 3 Cove City Fire
– Aaron McLawhorn – TWP 8 WNB II Rhems Fire
Craven County Recreation Advisory Council – seeks reappointment
– Eddie Games (District 2)
Juvenile Crime Protection Council – seeks appointment
– Billie Mathes (who was serving on the JCPC in her SRO position) is no long an SRO, but would like to continue to serve and Mrs. Dacey has requested she be appointed to one of the at-large seats.
Board of Equalization and Review (District 5)
– Applicant Edna Kearney seeks appointment
Craven Aging Planning Board
– Carolyn Squires (Client Representative)
Voluntary Ag District
– Ricky Harrison (District 1)
Craven County Recreation Advisory Council
– Ben Schreckengost (District 6)
The Board will be requested to go into Closed Session pursuant to NCGS 143.318.11 (a)(1), Attorney Client Privilege; NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4), to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body; and NCGS 143.318.11(a)(5), to establish, or to instruct the public body’s staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating.
See entire agenda here.
Submitted by: Alison Newcombe, Administrative Secretary, Craven County Manager’s Office