Last weekend New Bern Now was contacted by residents of Craeberne Forest Subdivision. A few “notice of public hearing” signs were placed in the subdivision and citizens wanted to know what the hearing was about.
According to Notice of Hearings: Ordinance Amendments and Rezonings, “State statutes require that the governing board hold a public hearing prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any ordinance regulating development. Published newspaper notice is required for the hearing. In addition, if the ordinance amendment is a rezoning, individual notice of the hearing is required, including mailed, posted, and sometimes actual notice.”
The residents told us they do not subscribe to the newspaper. We haven’t had the opportunity to confirm with the city whether or not notices were sent out via the mail.
“The published notice must provide sufficient detail to apprise interested parties of the nature of the proposed action. The notice should clearly indicate (1) what property is potentially affected, (2) the nature of the proposed regulation, and (3) the time and place of the public hearing on the proposal. A legal description of the affected property is not required, and the full text of the proposed ordinance does not have to be published.”
The purpose of the public hearing is to allow residents to ask questions and voice any concerns related to the proposed rezoning of Tax Parcel IDs 8-210-11002, 8-210-11003, 8-210-11004, 8-210-11006, 8-210-11009, 8-210-11010, and 8-210-23000. See Craven County GIS iMaps website to view detailed information on each parcel.

Patrick McCullough, manager of McCullough Farms, LLC, returned to New Bern from his residence in the Philippines to ask the Planning and Zoning (P & Z) board to rezone the parcels during their board meeting on Aug. 4.
The current zoning is A5-F Agricultural Forestry District, R-10 Residential District, and R-1 0A Residential District, and the requested zoning is R-6 Residential.
General uses in R6 allows for single-family, two family, duplex, multi-family, churches, nursing care institutions, and emergency services.
McCullough explained, there are already 300 homes in place in Craeberne Forest subdivision and the plan is to create 600 more.
During the P & Z board meeting, he prided the neighborhood concept as a “walkable community”. In reality, there are streets without sidewalks in the subdivision. Per the New Bern Code of Ordinances, Section 15-216. – Street width, sidewalk, and drainage requirements in subdivisions. (e) “All developments requiring a departmental review by city staff shall be required to provide for the construction of sidewalks and other pedestrian amenities internally…”

The hearing will be held on Sept. 13 during the New Bern Board of Aldermen meeting that starts at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
Questions or comments, send us an email.
By Wendy Card, Editor
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