If politicians ran clean campaigns, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
The campaign for Odham for Mayor has been boasting about having the backing of “the vast majority of all New Bern Police Department personnel” on their social media, in press releases, and they even had a local television station repeating it without vetting the information to be accurate.
How do they know they have the vast majority? Did they take a poll? Did they ask every single police officer who they’re voting for? If that’s the case, does that sound normal? I’ve never had an association ask me who I’m voting for, have you?
It all started when Alderman Odham sent me the press release on July 3, 2022. Read how the events unfolded in this article published on Saturday, July 10.
If he didn’t send the information to me there would be nothing to report.
Is Alderman Odham in violation of the law or are the personnel who posed with him for his publicity campaign at their workplace — or both?
According to § 160A-169. City employee political activity “… (c) No employee while on duty or in the workplace may: (1) Use his or her official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election or nomination for political office; or (2) Coerce, solicit, or compel contributions for political or partisan purposes by another employee…Definition: “Workplace” means any place where an employee engages in his or her job duties.”

What happens next?
Alderman Odham responded at 11:43 today, Monday, July 11 via email highlighting areas of the § 160A-169. City employee political activity “…(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to ensure that city employees are not subjected to political or partisan coercion while performing their job duties, to ensure that employees are not restricted from political activities while off duty, and to ensure that public funds are not used for political or partisan activities…It is not the purpose of this section to allow infringement upon the rights of employees to engage in free speech and free association…(c) No employee while on duty or in the workplace may:…”and wrote, “The officers in the photo were off-duty and the picture was taken outside of the building (not in the workplace)…” He also stated he stood firm in his statements of appreciation for both associations.
I replied, “If their workplace is only inside, how do they get to their duty vehicle? Does a police officer’s work pause when they leave the building and resume when they get in the vehicle? Is that what you’re saying?” He concluded, “I provided you a response and I have no further comment. It is up to the voters to decide who they want to lead this city for the next term.”
We followed up with an email to the City Manager, BOA members, NBPD and staff today.
What are your thoughts? Send us an email.
Wendy Card