Alderman Jeffrey Odham sent a press release to New Bern Now on July 3, 2022. We normally only publish candidate endorsements who have lost the initial election, announcing they are backing someone for the runoff (example: Mayoral candidate Tim Harris backed Toussaint Summers).
Odham subsequently posted the press release on his candidate for Mayor Facebook page. Since then, concerned citizens have contacted me directly questioning the campaign’s claims to have support of “the vast majority of all New Bern Police Department personnel“.
Press Release: Police Association Reaffirms Support for Odham
In April 2022, the largest law enforcement association in the state, the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association endorsed Alderman Jeffrey Odham in the race to determine New Bern’s next mayor. This past Thursday, they further showed their support through a campaign donation for the current runoff election. Crystal Coast Chapter President of the North Carolina PBA Taylor Anderson presented Odham the check in front of New Bern Police Department Headquarters surrounded by several members of the PBA who are current and local law enforcement officers (all of which were off duty for the presentation).
The PBA was the second law enforcement organization to endorse Alderman Odham. The Tri-County Lodge #52 of the Fraternal Order of Police was the first as they pledged their support in March 2022. Both associations represent the vast majority of all New Bern Police Department personnel.
During the presentation Alderman Odham stated, “Having never worn a badge or uniform, it means so much to have earned the support from those that do. I am forever grateful for their unwavering support of our campaign for Mayor of New Bern.”
Friday morning, July 9, I emailed the New Bern Police Department and City Hall asking for clarification related to the backing of Alderman Odham by the police. Please see the following:
“Dear Foster Hughes and Board of Aldermen,
I’m writing because citizens have reached out to me with concern after reading Alderman Jeffrey Odham’s press release on his social media page (below).
He sent it to me, but I needed to research its legality. The optics alone are disturbing. Since living in New Bern, I don’t recall a local BOA or Commissioner claiming to ‘being backed by the vast majority of all New Bern Police Department personnel.’
Three issues were brought to my attention:
- Active duty and retired police officers are being pressured into saying they support Alderman Odham.
- Citizens are apprehensive to put signs of support for his opponent, Toussaint Summers, in their yards out of concern they may not get a proper response from law enforcement.
- Citizens are concerned that they may be targeted by law enforcement if they do have a Summers sign in their yard.
I’m writing to you to ask for your comments, not the PIO’s comments.
I’ve already emailed the NBPD to ask if they condone this press release.
Thank you in advance for your review in this matter.
Let’s unpack this…
How can an elected sitting official use the influence of our city’s Police Department to advance his candidacy for Mayor?
Alderman Odham is an elected official, but he is also an employee who draws a salary. The press release notes the personnel in the photo were off duty for the presentation. However, the picture was taken next to the flags at the New Bern Police Station — their workplace.
According to § 160A-169. City employee political activity “… (c) No employee while on duty or in the workplace may: (1) Use his or her official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election or nomination for political office; or (2) Coerce, solicit, or compel contributions for political or partisan purposes by another employee…Definition: “Workplace” means any place where an employee engages in his or her job duties.”
Is Alderman Odham in violation of the law or are did he cause others to violate it by conducting a photo shoot at the New Bern Police Station where police personnel posed with him for publicity for his campaign — or both?
What happens next? It’s up to the city to work this out with the Craven County Board of Elections.
Responses to my email:
Foster Hughes, City Manager: “This is not a City of New Bern issue. This is a political campaign issue. Please contact Alderman Jeffrey Odham regarding questions about his campaign and press releases. City employees, including members of the New Bern Police Department, serve all citizens within our community, regardless of political affiliation. If citizens have concerns with our employees or the services that the City provides, they are welcome to contact me at City Hall, 300 Pollock Street or by calling 252-639-2700.”
How is this NOT a City of New Bern issue as the photoshoot was taken with city employees at their workplace, irregardless if they were on or off duty? The City Manager is in charge of city employees including those in New Bern Police Department but defers to an alderman.
Alderwoman Jameesha Harris: ”Thank you for this information. I don’t have any comments at this time.”
The City Clerk confirmed receipt.
Alderman Odham has not responded to my email.
Food for thought:
– A police officer’s work does not pause when they step outside and resume when they get into their vehicle to respond on a call. Therefore, the Police Station is the workplace.
– Just because two local law enforcement associations chapters decide to endorse Alderman Odham doesn’t equate to their members endorsing him. For example, I’m a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). It does NOT mean the VFW knows who I’m going to vote for, nor does it mean that I support who they endorse.
The next Board of Alderman Meeting is Tuesday, July 12 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. It’s your chance to speak to the current board during the Petition of Citizens comment period as it’s the last meeting before the election day on July 26.
Tell us what you think by sending us an email.
By Wendy Card, Editor