Petition of Citizens Among 20 Other Items on BOA Meeting Agenda — May 10, 2022

New Bern Board of Aldermen -- April 26 2022
New Bern Board of Aldermen — April 26 2022

The Tuesday, May 10th meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Courtroom at City Hall located at 300 Pollock St. You can also watch live on the City of New Bern’s Facebook page or watch later on City 3 TV.

1. Meeting opened by Mayor Dana E. Outlaw. Prayer Coordinated by Alderman Kinsey. Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Roll Call.

3. Request and Petitions of Citizens

This section of the agenda is titled Requests and Petitions of Citizens. This is an opportunity for public comment, and we thank you for coming to the Board of Aldermen meeting tonight to share your views. We value all citizen input. Speaker comments are limited to a maximum of 4 minutes during the public comment period. At the conclusion of 4 minutes, each speaker shall leave the podium. Comments will be directed to the full board, not to an individual board member or staff member.

Although the board is interested in hearing your comments, speakers should not expect any comments, action, or deliberation from the board on any issue raised during the public comment period. In the board’s discretion, it may refer issues to the appropriate city officials or staff for further investigation. If an organized group is present to speak on a common issue, please designate one person to present the group’s comment, which shall be limited to a maximum of 4 minutes.

Consent Agenda

4. Consider Approving a Proclamation for National Public Works Week.

Al Cablay, Director of Public Works, has requested a proclamation recognizing the third full week of May as National Public Works Week.

5. Consider Approving a Proclamation for Resilient & Thriving Communities Week 2022.

Tamra Church, Chair & Executive Director of Coastal Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention, has requested a proclamation recognizing resilient and thriving communities’ week, which will be observed June 6-12, 2022.

6. Consider Approving a Proclamation for “The Forgotten 29”.

Al Barfield has requested a proclamation signifying March as a month to remember The Forgotten 29,” a group of African Americans who participated in a sit-in on March 17, 1960 in New Bern.

7. Consider Adopting a Street Closure for United Worship Center’s Community Day.

(Wards 1 and 5) Denise Robinson with United Worship Center has requested the 900 block of Main Street and the 800 block of West Street be closed to vehicular traffic on May 21, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a community day event. A rain date of June 18, 2022 is included in the request. A memo from Kari Warren, Interim Director of Parks & Recreation, is attached along with the event application, maps, and a petition of signatures for the affected residents and/or businesses.

8. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing to Annex a Portion of Tax Parcel ID 8-209-25001 Located at 5001 Clock Road.

As an authorized representative for Weyerhaeuser NR Company, Cliff Parson has requested a 9.25-acre portion of 5001 Clock Road, also identified as Tax Parcel ID 8-209-25001, be annexed by the City. It is requested a hearing be called for May 24, 2022 to consider this request. A copy of the petition for annexation, map of the property, and Clerk’s certificate of sufficiency are enclosed.

9. Consider Adopting a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2022- 2023.

At this meeting, the City Manager will present the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. A public hearing is required, and it is proposed the hearing be held on May 24, 2022. A memo from Kim Ostrom, Director of Finance, is attached.

10. Approve Minutes.

Draft minutes from the April 26, 2022 meeting are provided for review and approval.

11. Presentation on Juneteenth of New Bern/Duffest.

Talina Massey, one of the organizers, will provide an overview of the events planned for this year’ s Juneteenth of New Bern/Duffest.

12. Conduct a Public Hearing on the Rezoning of 1301 South Glenburnie Road; and

a) Consider Adopting a Statement of Zoning Consistency or Inconsistency; and b) Consider Adopting an Ordinance to Rezone 1301 South Glenburnie Road from C-4 Neighborhood Business District to C-3 Commercial District.

(Ward 4) Quality Oil Company, LLC has requested to rezone a 0.95-acre parcel from C-4 neighborhood business district to C-3 commercial district. The property is located at 1301 S. Glenburnie Road. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously approved this request at their April 5, 2022 meeting. After conducting a public hearing, the Board is asked to consider adopting a statement of zoning consistency or inconsistency and then consider the request to rezone the property. A memo from Matthew Schelly, Interim Director of Development Services, is attached.

13. City Manager’s Presentation of Fiscal Year 2022- 2023 Budget.

The recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 will be distributed to the Board and a brief overview provided by the City Manager.

14. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Sound Rivers for Installation and Management of a Trash Trout Jr.

Sound Rivers has requested permission to install a “Trash Trout Jr.” within the Trent River drainage basin to assist with collecting data related to manmade trash finding its way into the rivers. The device will be in place for no less than two years and will be installed, cleaned, and monitored by Sound Rivers. A memo from Al Cablay, Director of Public Works, is attached along with a brochure on the device.

15. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving an Audit Contract for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022.

A Request for Proposal for audit services was advertised, and two proposals were received. After reviewing the responses, the firm of Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams, and Co., P.A. received the highest score. Their proposal for services includes all major programs at a fee of $42,500. Of note, this firm has performed New Bern’s audits for fiscal years 2019, 2020, and 2021. A memo from Kim Ostrom, Director of Finance, is attached.

16. Consider Adopting a Resolution Designating Applicant’s Agent for NC Emergency Management Grant# DR4393.

FEMA requires agents be designated for the purpose of filing applications, representing, and acting on behalf of the City with respect to disaster assistance grants. This resolution will designate the City’s Senior Accountant as the primary agent and the City Manager as the secondary agent for the Hazard Mitigation and Resiliency Plan Grant. A memo from Mr. Schelly is attached.

17. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving a Records Retention Policy for Documents Created or Maintained Pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act and Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Award.

On December 14, 2021, the Board adopted a resolution approving the General Records and Program Records Retention and Disposition Schedules for Local Governments as issued by the NC Department of Cultural Resources. While this policy is still in effect, it is necessary to also adopt a records retention policy to comply with the requirements of the American Rescue Plan Act/Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“ARPA/CSLFRF”). Recipients of funding through these programs are required to maintain documents for a longer period. A memo from Mrs. Ostrom is attached.

18. Consider Adopting a Resolution Approving a Nondiscrimination Policy

Pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act and Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Award. Like the previous item, recipients of ARPA/CSLFRF funds are required to adopt a nondiscrimination policy to comply with federal regulations. A memo from Mrs. Ostrom is attached.

19. Appointment(s).

20. Attorney’s Report.

21. City Manager’s Report.

22. New Business.

23. Closed Session.

24. Adjourn.

The agenda, packet, and minutes are published on the City of New Bern’s website here.

Individuals with disabilities requiring special assistance should call 639-7501 no later than 3:00 p.m. the date of the meeting.

Agenda provided by Brenda Blanco, City Clerk

Let us know if you have any comments or questions by sending an email.

Wendy Card, Editor-in-Chief