The New Bern Police Department has signed on to the 30×30 Pledge – a series of actions to improve the representation and experiences of women in law enforcement. These actions will help law enforcement agencies assess gender equity, identify factors that may be contributing to disparities, and develop and implement strategies and solutions to eliminate barriers and advance women in policing.
The goal of the 30×30 initiative is to reach 30 percent of women in police recruit classes by the year 2030 and to ensure police departments are truly representative of the jurisdiction they serve.
To date, more than 155 agencies across the country have signed on to the 30×30 pledge. “We’re looking forward to working with our community and agencies large and small across the country to develop and implement strategies to meet this goal,” said Chief Patrick Gallagher of the New Bern Police Department. “We’re eager to learn and adopt practices that eliminate barriers and welcome women and workers of all kinds. Committing to this initiative and achieving this goal will help us internally and externally – we can improve employee experiences, build upon our agency’s leadership, and continue developing strong bonds with our community and improving safety.”
The 30×30 Initiative was developed by a coalition of police leadership, researchers, and professional organizations across the country. The group is affiliated with the Policing Project at New York University (NYU) School of Law and the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE). According to NYU, the 30×30 pledge is based on social science that greater representation of women on police forces leads to better policing outcomes for communities. Their research shows that women make up only 12 percent of sworn officers and 3 percent of police leadership in the United States. Within the New Bern Police Department, women make up 14.45 percent of sworn officers and 2.4 percent of police leadership. “Our path forward is clear – we have work to do,” said Chief Gallagher. “But by supporting our team and working collaboratively with our 30×30 partners, city staff, and the community, I know we can improve.”
“We are grateful to the New Bern Police Department for being one of the first in the nation to commit to being a part of this growing movement,” said Maureen McGough, co-founder of the 30×30 Initiative, Chief of Staff of the Policing Project at the New York University School of Law, and former policing expert at the U.S. Department of Justice. “We believe strongly that advancing women in policing is critical to improving public safety outcomes. We look forward to having more agencies follow the New Bern Police Department’s lead by signing the pledge and improving the representation and experiences of women in policing.”
For more information, visit the 30x30Initiative.
By Lieutenant Donald A McInnis, Jr., Professional Standards, New Bern Police Department