Building Community Initiative Program with Faith Connection

Racial Taboo

Faith Connection has contracted to bring an engaging video called Racial Taboo to New Bern on Sunday May 1, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. The film will be shown free of charge to the public at Centenary United Methodist Church at 309 New Street (the corner of New and Middle Streets).

Brian Grimm of Wilmington designed a 53-minute video for the purpose of bringing the Black and White community together to talk about their lives and experiences at a personal level. Grimm has incorporated some scenes of New Bern African American history into his video.

This program is part of a five-step program of Faith Connection called the Building Community Initiative. The intention of the initiative is to bring people of different races and ethnic groups and neighborhoods together so that we may work together successfully to solve community problems.

An effective way to overcome prejudice is for more Black and White people to become friends. But how? We can’t even have meaningful conversation about racial issues. Why? To answer those questions, Racial Taboo looks at our history, uses comedy and candid interviews to help the audience gain a common understanding of our past and how it affects our present. Racial Taboo is intended to be a catalyst for open, respectful and ongoing conversations between people of different races.

All persons in the community are invited to attend.

Submitted by: Constance Casey on behalf of Rosemary Stark, Vice Chairman, Faith Connection