Mark your calendar now for the 3rd Annual Spring Showcase Trade Show hosted by the Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour (CBCFH) on Sunday, April 24 from 2-5 pm. The FREE event will be held at the HarbourPointe Golf Club and invites residents of Fairfield Harbour, New Bern and all of Craven County to come see “A Place Where Ideas Are Born and Connections are Made.” Come join your neighbors for a fun-filled afternoon where you can meet local business owners at their booths while enjoying refreshments, door prizes, a raffle and live local entertainment. Our own CBCFH members, The Harbour Jazz Trio and Sandra Casado of Dance Palace will be performing. There will be a dancing demonstrations and line dancing. The Harbour Pointe Grill will be open, serving food and drinks, during the Spring Showcase.
The Spring Showcase is designed to build awareness of the dynamic businesses that are either located in Fairfield Harbour and the Broad Creek corridor communities as well as featuring businesses in our local area that are owned by residents of Fairfield Harbour. When doing business in our area, we encourage you to “Buy Local, Think CBC First!” For more information about the event, visit our website at CBCFH.com. Come join in the fun!
Submitted by: Karen Dodd