Plans are in process to commemorate this important day, the third Friday in September.
Flags will be flying by New Bern City Hall and at two prominent automobile dealerships who already fly American flags, Joe Alcoke’s and Trent’s, proudly.
The Public Affairs Office at MCAS Cherry Point are alerting and making the public aware that September 18, the third Friday in September, is POW/MIA Recognition Day through their social media sites.
Other flags are flying at MCAS Cherry Point designating the need to recognize the sacrifices made by our POW/MIAs.
The POW/MIA flag will be on display at the New Bern-Craven County Public Library in New Bern and also in Havelock. Take time to visit and select for future reading, books outlining our brave men and women who are being detained in foreign lands as well as stories of soldiers, airmen, sailors, and naval aviators who survived.
Many visitors arrive in our area and may not realize that many military (active and retired) live in our area. They will find the traditional POW/MIA flags flying at our Chamber of Commerce, New Bern-Craven County Convention and Visitor Center, and Mitchell Hardware in downtown New Bern.
The flag with its black background and white silhouette will also proudly wave at the Veteran’s Employment Base Camp and Organic Garden at 901 Chapman Street in New Bern on POW/MIA Recognition Day. (Hire A Veteran – Some Are Homeless). This group will also meet on Saturday, September 19 at Walter B. Jones Park in Havelock.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) group will hold a ceremony acknowledging this special day on September 18 at the VFW Post.
An American flag flown during Operation Enduring Freedom from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan embraces the wall of the Attitudes Pub and Grillin River Bend and our POW/MIA flag will soon enjoy its place beside it. Come and enjoy the delicious cakes planned to commemorate POW/MIA Recognition Day, September 18.
Because of corporate rules, POW/MIA flags could not be flown for all customers at Staples and Harris Teeter, but there are flags in their break room. These employees work hard and are devoted Americans and hopefully will spread the word to others that the 3rd Friday of September has been designated POW/MIA Recognition Day. Many businesses in our area will be displaying posters announcing our news.
There are thousands of POW/MIAs and perhaps you know their families in your area. Please recognize them personally and thank them for their sacrifices. Thank all veterans and active duty personnel for their service in keeping America good and free.
If you have or know of any more activities in our area,please call Ann Coppage at 252-649-1441.
Submitted by: Ann Coppage