Natural Cold and Flu Solutions and Prevention

Cold and Flu Solutions

Prevention is the best medicine, and obviously good habits may help you prevent getting sick in the first place, so if you’re looking to stay HEALTHY this winter, try these all natural cold & flu prevention tips….

Cold & Flu Prevention:

– exercise regularly

– eat a balanced diet

– get sufficient rest

– take your vitamins

– wash your hands frequently and thoroughly

BUT in spite of your best efforts, you still may become ill; you can help speed up your recovery naturally and ease your symptoms. Here are some tips to try….

Tips to help a common cold & flu:

– eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

– drink plenty of clear fluids (water is BSET) to stay hydrated

– soothe a sore throat with honey added to hot water or tea, or gargle with salt/xylitol

– use saline nasal spray and a vaporizer or humidifier to relieve congestion

– get extra rest, your body is best able to recuperate when you rest

– Warm salt-water/xylitol gargle: 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 teaspoon each of salt and or xylitol in one cup warm water. Gargle 2-3 times daily after brushing teeth and tongue. (Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from birch or corn. It is a natural bacteriostatic which means it blocks the adherence of bacteria to the mucus membranes. Using it as a sweetener has been shown to inhibit ear infections).

In addition to the tips above, I’m also making sure to get adequate vitamins & minerals:

– Vitamin C: 500 mg every 3-4 hours with a small amount of food. Cut back on the dosage if stools become loose or you experience gas and cramping.

– Zinc: 30-50 mg once daily with a small amount of food. This can be continued for 1-2 weeks without depleting copper stores.

– Glutamine powder: (this is also in our BCAAs) take 15 to 20g per day while sick. Glutamine is needed by your white blood cells to fight infection.

– Allicillin: This is a concentrated garlic compound that is wonderful to fight viruses and bacteria. 200mg to 400mg 1-4 times daily

And one last tip: Hyperthermia Baths!  It sounds crazy, but spend as long as is comfortable in a hot bath. Then remove yourself, wrap up in warm clothes and climb under covers to sweat. This induces an “artificial fever”. Viruses do not like high temperatures and this can greatly reduce the length of a cold or flu.

If you’re not sure where to start with healthy living?  We have easy to follow workouts online at BeyondFit Life!  And if you’d like an in person workout with a personal trainer, check out our  Bikini Boot Camp so you get started with your healthier life TODAY!

By Contributing Author: Kate Horney,