Information is now available on the 2014 Regional Artist Project (RAP) Grant. The Craven Arts Council & Gallery along with 28 other Eastern North Carolina county arts councils give financially to support this yearly grant.
Who is eligible?
Musicians, dancers, filmmakers, actors, literary artists, and visual artists who have lived for at least 2 years in the following counties: Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, Gates, Greene, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Nash, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, Washington, Wayne, and Wilson.
2012-2013 Regional Artist Project Grantees
Film: Caroline Stephenson, Herford County; Ken Wyatt, Nash County
Literary Arts: Marilynn Barner Anselmi, Nash County; Marni Graff, Hyde County
Megan Oteri, Wilson County
Music: Nicholas Cole, Wayne County; Michael Hamer, Pitt County
Visual Arts: Andrew Denton, Pitt County; Jill Eberle, Craven County; Jeremy Fineman, Pitt County; Karen Harley, Halifax County; Neil Loughlin, Beaufort County; Kathryn Osgood, Dare County; Liz Steiner, Pitt County
The deadline for this grant is September 12, 2014 and applications may be downloaded from http://www.pittcountyarts.org/grants/regional-artist-project-grants/.
Applications can be delivered directly to the Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge or to the Craven Arts Council & Gallery, 317 Middle St. New Bern, NC by September 12 at 5 p.m.
If you need assistance in applying for this grant please contact the Craven Arts Council & Gallery at 252-638-2577 or email at cravenarts@cravenarts.org.
Assistance is also available at the following workshops:
Dare County Arts Council, located at 300 Queen Elizabeth Ave., Manteo, NC, on Thursday, July 24th at 5:30PM.Call 252-473-5558 for more information.
Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge, located at 404 S. Evans Street, Greenville, NC, on Tuesday, July 29th at 5:30PM. Please call 252-551-6947 for more information.
Arts Council of Wayne County, located at 102 N. John St., Goldsboro, NC, on Wednesday, July 30th at 5:00PM. Call 919-736-3300 for more information.
The Council for the Arts in Onslow County, located at 826 New Bridge St., Jacksonville, NC, on Thursday, July 31st at 11AM. Call 910-455-9840 for more information.
Visit http://www.pittcountyarts.org/grants/regional-artist-project-grants/ for more information on this opportunity
Submitted by: Carol Tokarski, Craven Arts Council and Gallery