How to Get Back on Track & Have a Healthy New Year


By Kate Horney (

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  I hope you were able to focus on the true meaning of the season, and that in addition, you enjoyed the day with family and friends.

If you’re like many people across the nation, you most likely also enjoyed the day with a few two many Christmas treats.  But you know what, IT’S OK!

We’re human.

And sometimes humans (even those of us living the fat loss lifestyle) have a hard time resisting treats… especially at Christmas!

If you found yourself eating a few too many treats and woke up feeling guilty, discouraged, and with a sugar hangover, this one’s for you…

3 mindset tips to get back on track after a one-time splurge: 

1. Relax.  The good news is, one meal is not going to ruin you if you eat smart and exercise intelligently from here.  No one is perfect in their eating habits!  What we have to learn is that we can give ourselves permission to enjoy and indulged in a one-time splurge, and then as soon as it’s over, we can (and should) go back to eating the way we normally would.  Relaxing is not giving ourselves permission to continue to overeat and binge, but it IS allowing ourselves to indulge from time to time.

A single overindulgence will NOT make or break your fat loss

2. Don’t Beat Yourself Up.  Too many women throw in the towel after a splurge. They fall off the wagon and then hit themselves over the head until they get back on.  You may feel defeated and think, “Oh well, I blew it!  It’s too late now. I’ll just eat junk the rest of the week and start again on Monday….” But that is NOT the right attitude to have.  Give yourself some grace.  Allow yourself to mess up.  And then remember…

3. Remember this is a lifestyle.  After a splurge, it’s important to think of your eating habits over the course of a few days.  What have you been telling your body over the course of this week?  How about this month?  How about this YEAR?  Do you really think that ONE over indulgence can mess up a months worth of good fat loss nutrition?  This is a lifestyle, and that means looking at the big picture, not a single days events.

EVERY meal you eat is a chance to- via hormones- tell your body to either BURN or STORE fat.

If you’re not sure where to start for a healthy new year?  We have tons of delicious, healthy and easy recipes at BeyondFit Life!

If you need ideas for healthy week night dinners, fat loss friendly snacks, quick and easy breakfasts, and more… you will love the recipe section of the portal!  And to make things even better: you can download all our member recipes IMMEDIATELY so you get started with your healthier life TODAY!

By Contributing Author: Kate Horney, BeyondFit Physiques