The Community Coalition for Craven County Children presented the first Parenting Cafe in Craven County on October 17th! The Hope Family Resource Center hosted the group. The focus was on social connections and how they impact parenting. The three questions addressed were:
What would this community look like if all people were able to partner together and what can I do to contribute?
Who supports your positive parenting? What does that look like?
What in your upbringing makes it easy or difficult to ask for help?
The 16 participants enjoyed the conversation and came away with new insights about their parenting and how they might step forward and help others. Some of the suggestions were to develop support groups for grandparents raising grandchildren, single parents who have little support, and teen girls who are in abusive relationships. The need for a comprehensive resource directory also was mentioned. Craven County will be getting a 211 system in the near future and that should help greatly with resources. There is a TOPS – Teen Outreach Program at the Craven County Health Department that serves teen girls. Tova Hairston is the contact person there and she can be reached at 636-4920 x2008.
Most of the group wanted to attend another Parenting Cafe and about half were willing to help plan and present the next one. What would you like to discuss with other parents? Contact Terry Brubaker with the Community Coalition for Craven County Children with your ideas or interests at 252-636-4900 Ext. 3081, send an email or check us out our website.
Submitted By: Terry Brubaker, Chairperson, Community Coalition for Craven County Children