Hook a Kid on Golf


New Bern Parks & Recreation is hosting its annual Hook a Kid on Golf program. This program is for any child between the ages of 8-14 that would like to learn how to play golf.

The purpose of the Hook a Kid on Golf Program is to introduce the sport to youngsters in the community as well as encourage them to learn the rules, etiquette and history of the sport.

The program will run for Girls July 15-18 and Boys July 22-25th and will be held at Carolina Pines Country Club.

The cost of this program is $125.00 kids will receive a set of golf clubs along with 4 days of instruction.

Registration will be held at:  West New Bern Recreation Center, 1225 Pinetree Dr.  Space is limited.

Please contact Gus Hill at 252-639-2908 for more information.

Submitted by: Nancy Donahue, New Bern Parks and Recreation