The New Bern Board of Aldermen will meet on March 26, 2024 at 6 p.m. in the City Hall courtroom located at 300 Pollock St.
Items on the agenda include:
-Consider closing streets for the Neuse River Bridge Run and the New Bern Civic Theater’s Arts in April.
-Consider initiating the upset bid process for a property located on Lincoln Street.
-Presentation on the findings of a pavement condition survey.
-Conduct a public hearing and consider applying C-3 commercial zoning to 684 W. Thurman Road.
-Hold a public hearing and consider changing the city’s Code of Ordinance to exempt owners of 119 Middle St. from off-street parking requirements.
-Conduct a public hearing and consider reallocating Community Development Block Grant Program funds.
-Consider the transfer of 727 Third Avenue to the Redevelopment Commission. The RDC will transfer the property to CarolinaEast Health System to be used to build a health clinic. The board will also consider transferring $313,018.88 to CEHS for the project.
The full agenda can be found in the meeting packet here.
Watch the meeting on City 3 TV and on the city’s Facebook page.
By Wendy Card, Editor. Send an email with questions or comments.