Habitat for Humanity of Craven County completed repairs in partnership with three women in Craven & Jones Counties. These three women all needed assistance to complete large repairs that they were physically and financially unable to complete on their home. These repairs became increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic where it is critical to have access to a safe and healthy place to shelter in place and maintain healthy social distancing practices. According to Antoinette Boskey-Chadwick, Neighborhood Revitalization Director at Habitat for Humanity of Craven County, “All of these ladies are elderly and at higher risk to contract COVID-19 so it was an honor for us to partner with them in this way.”
One homeowner had an emergency surgery and needed a safe and healthy home to return to following her procedure. One homeowner, Ms. Joyce Jordan, shared that “As a breast cancer survivor on a fixed income, I did not know how I was going to get my roof repaired; it was leaking, creating mold in the home and only getting worse over the past year or so. God sent Habitat for Humanity [of Craven County] my way…”
Habitat for Humanity of Craven County was able to provide a range of repairs depending on homeowner needs to include roof replacement/repairs, plumbing repairs, sheetrock and other small interior repairs, as well as replacing doors and siding to improve home weatherization for increased efficiency.
These repairs were made possible by the generous contributions of: Foundation for the Carolinas, St. Bernard Project, and the Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance. Antoinette Boskey Chadwick states, “We are so appreciative of the partners who supported this project financially. In order for us to be impactful in our work partnerships with family and other agencies involved in disaster recovery are essential.”
If you are interested in partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Craven County and are in need of repairs and live in a single-family detached home (no mobile homes), please contact our office at 252-633-9599 extension 105 or email bmcdonald@cravencountyhabitat.org for more information about our programming and how to apply.
By Betsy McDonald, Homeowner Services Coordinator